This was an interesting read. As a teenager I read this several times but what I didn't know at the time, I was reading a condensed version of the story. I also had some trepidation about re-reading the story as I have re-read some other teenage favourites and wondered why I liked them in the first place.
But this was interesting, the love story of a young governess is well known, the problems she has in finding love are involved an interesting. I really did enjoy the insight it gave me into the life of the period and the role of a governess of the time. Of course it's helped by the fact that I read a few books about the background in the last few years.
Jane does grow through the story, and develops as an interesting character through her trials and tribulations. As do several of the other characters in the story.
I enjoyed the experience of re-visiting my teenage years but with the longer and more involved story, I enjoyed reading some of the undercurrents that were excised in the earlier edition that I possibly wouldn't have really "got".