This user-friendly, practical guide provides a thorough and effective introduction to the essentials of electrical grounding and bonding. Written in accordance with the 2014 National Electrical Code (R), ELECTRICAL GROUNDING AND BONDING, Fourth Edition, features complete, up-to-date coverage of Article 250 requirements. The text's detailed explanations, real-world examples, and vibrant, full-color illustrations help readers master and apply key electrical concepts such as calculating conductor s...
Harcourt School Publishers Art Everywhere (Harcourt School Publishers Art Everywhere)
This is a history of warfare, wars and the armed forces of Europe from the military revolution of the mid-17th century to the Napoleonic wars.; This book is intended for broad-based undergrad courses on 18th century Europe/Britain and the Ancien Regime. 2nd and 3rd year thematic courses on warfare in the modern period, and students of war studies.
Latino/a Literature in the Classroom
In one of the most rapidly growing areas of literary study, this volume provides the first comprehensive guide to teaching Latino/a literature in all variety of learning environments. Essays by internationally renowned scholars offer an array of approaches and methods to the teaching of the novel, short story, plays, poetry, autobiography, testimonial, comic book, children and young adult literature, film, performance art, and multi-media digital texts, among others. The essays provide conceptua...
Cross-Curricular Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School ... English
by David Stevens
What is the role of the individual school 'subject' and 'subject teacher' within school? Is it to teach a set of core subject knowledge, skills and understanding in a way that remains faithful to long-standing subject cultures and pedagogies? Or is there another way to consider how the curriculum and the notion of individual subjects and teachers' pedagogy could be constructed? Cross-Curricular Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School ... English brings together ongoing debates about perso...
For users of Pro Tools who want to take their skills to the next level, this CSi Master is the perfect learning companion. Updated for Pro Tools 6.7, this interactive CD-ROM gives users the hands-on tips they need to deepen their knowledge of this powerful software. A Pro Tools pro walks users through every major topic, including Setup, Project Management, Recording, Editing, Arranging, Mixing, Processing, Virtual Instruments, Synchronization, Advanced Uses, and Tips. The CSi movie tutorials inc...
The Humanities and the Understanding of Reality
In their concern with the perennial controversy between the two great areas in which men seek knowledge, three eminent literary scholars and a distinguished journalist in these essays address themselves to the question, "Do the humanities provide a form of understanding of reality that the sciences do not?" Monroe C. Beardsley maintains that the humanities considered as contributors to knowledge must deal with the same subject matter as the sciences, but literature and the arts can enlarge our p...
This provocative and often controversial volume examines concepts of ethnicity, citizenship and nationhood, to determine what constituted cultural identity in the Roman Empire. The contributors draw together the most recent research and use diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives from archaeology, classical studies and ancient history to challenge our basic assumptions of Romanization and how parts of Europe became incorporated into a Roman culture. Cultural Identity in the Roman Emp...
2013 California Residential Code, Title 24 Part 2.5
by International Code Council
The Common Core is placing a heavier emphasis on nonfiction, but that doesn't mean you have to give up your literature lessons! In this book, English teachers Stacey O'Reilly and Angie Stooksbury describe how you can combine nonfiction with fiction to meet the standards and give students a deeper understanding of what they are reading. This practical book provides a variety of nonfiction reading strategies as well as ready-to-implement lesson plans and text pairing suggestions. You will get......
A History of Us Book 1 Teaching Guide for the Third Edition
by Joy Hakim and Karen Edwards
The teaching guides developed for Elementary schools were created to support 5th grade American history content standards and learning frameworks. They present lesson ideas for each chapter and also groups of chapters called Parts. Part activities help to set context for reading and present overview concepts for the chapters, as well as introduce timeline and map concepts to help frame understanding. Part summaries include project and activity ideas. Chapter lessons are presented in an Ask-Discu...
United States 1917-2008 (Flagship History)
by Derrick Murphy and Kathryn Cooper
This new title offers comprehensive coverage for the new 2008 specifications, from the First World War to George W Bush. Includes historical interpretations, document source questions, explanation of difficult words and concepts, a study skills section for exam preparation and a companion website with visuals to support learning. Contents: Study and examination skills1 The United States 1917-2008: A synoptic overview2 Boom and Bust: the United States, 1917-19333 FDR...
Typografie (Bibliothek Der Mediengestaltung)
by Peter Buhler, Patrick Schlaich, and Dominik Sinner
Dieser Band der "Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung" behandelt die Schrifterkennung und Schriftklassifikation, die Lesbarkeit von Schrift und den gestalterischen und technischen Einsatz von Schriften. Ausserdem werden die Schrifttechnologie und die Verwaltung von Schriften thematisiert. Fur diese Bibliothek wurden die Themen des Kompendiums der Mediengestaltung neu strukturiert, vollstandig uberarbeitet und in ein handliches Format gebracht. Leitlinien waren hierbei die Anpassung an die Entwicklu...
Culture, Society And Sexuality (Social Aspects of AIDS)
Since the beginnings of time, people have been interested in sex - the form it takes, the pleasure it can give, the circumstances in which it occurs, and what it means - both for the individuals concerned and to society more generally. Often seen as a synonym for love, sometimes as an expression of power, and infrequently as a means of exploitation and abuse, sex is a complex and multi-faceted aspect of human behaviour that has been written about by numerous writers and theorists worldwide. This...
The student manual includes classroom exercises and assignments designed to coincide directly with the text content and can be used to help students integrate reading material. Also contains detailed outlines of each chapter.
As schools shift to the Common Core, many English language arts teachers are left with questions about how their classrooms should look. Is fiction out? Can I still do strategy instruction? Does close reading mean deliberating on each word? Finally, there's a resource with all of these answers and more. In Focus on Text, bestselling author Amy Benjamin provides practical guidance on how to realistically implement the Common Core reading standards. Part I of the book examines misconceptions about...