Oxford Reading Tree: Land of the Dinosaurs (Oxford Reading Tree)
Oxford Reading Tree: The Dream (Oxford Reading Tree)
Trackers: Zebra Trackers: Variety Fiction: The Hole
by Robert Swindells, Alan Gibbons, and Kate Ruttle
Trackers gives struggling readers the motivation and interest to want to read. It teaches and practises high frequency words, phonics, syntax and semantics, whilst complementing and extending the Additional Literacy Support (DFES) and Further Literacy Support (DFES) initiatives. The teaching support, high quality PCMs in the Teacher's Guides has been written for the range of adults who work with struggling readers. Trackers Variety fiction enables the struggling reader to read the same authors a...
BC NF Turquoise B/1A Can You Do This? Guided Reading Card (BUG CLUB)
Bug Club Non-fiction Purple B/2C What is a Wookiee? 6-pack (BUG CLUB)
by Laura Buller and Kate Simkins
This title is part of Pearson's Bug Club - the first whole-school reading programme that joins books and an online reading world to teach today's children to read. In this book: This report text introduces creatures from the Star Wars films as if they were real, explaining the habits and alliances of each of them. This title is suitable for ages 6-7 (Purple level)
BC Red A (KS1) Rat and Cat in Hat Guided Reading Card (BUG CLUB)
BC NF Lime A/3C Poptropica: The Ultimate Guide Guided Reading Card (BUG CLUB)
BC NF White A/2A Birds of Prey Guided Reading Card (BUG CLUB)
Bug Club Yellow Wave 1 Guided Reading Pack (BUG CLUB)
by Jo Brooker, Jeanne Willis, Sheryl Webster, Catherine Baker, Monica Hughes, Dawn McMillan, Claire Llewellyn, Lisa James, Helen Chapman, and Kate McGough
BC NF Gold A/2B You CAN Try This at Home Guided Reading Card (BUG CLUB)
BC Green C/1B Horribilly: Swampy Mess Guided Reading Card (BUG CLUB)
Bug Club Non-fiction Pink B Look at LEGO City 6-pack (BUG CLUB)
by J Pattinson
This title is part of Bug Club, the first whole-school reading programme that joins books with an online reading world to teach today's children to read. In this Pink-B level: This book explores Lego contexts. It has pictures of a Lego town, farm and airport and engages children in an 'I spy' activity.
BC JD Plays Lime/3C Choose Me Guided Reading Card (BUG CLUB)
by Rachael Sutherland
BC NF Blue (KS2) B/4A Dead Sick Guided Reading Card (BUG CLUB)
by Rachel Axten-Higgs
Bug Club Non-fiction Brown A/3C Machines on the Move 6-pack (BUG CLUB)
by Clive Gifford, Chris Axten-Higgs, and Rachel Axten-Higgs
Reading 360 Language Resource Workbook 10 pack of 8 (NEW READING 360)
Part of New Reading 360 a tried and tested reading scheme, with many years of proven success in raising reading standards.
Literacy World Stage 2 Non-Fiction: Life In Space (6 Pack) (LITERACY WORLD NEW EDITION)
by David Glover
The Guided Readers series cover a range of non-fiction topics designed to interest children and help them develop the key non-fiction reading and writing skills they need. Each book is supported by Guided Reading Teacher's Cards
BC JD Plays Lime/3C The Smell of the Cakes Guided Reading Card (BUG CLUB)
by Rachael Sutherland
Literacy World Stage 2 Non-Fiction : The Roman Chronicle (6 Pack) (LITERACY WORLD NEW EDITION)
BC Orange/1A Comic: Fun & Mix Ups Guided Reading Card (BUG CLUB)