Creative Learning for Inclusion (Creative Teaching/Creative Schools)
Introducing creativity to the classroom is a concern for teachers, governments and future employers around the world, and there has been a drive to make experiences at school more exciting, relevant, challenging and dynamic for all young people, ensuring they leave education able to contribute to the global creative economy. Creative Learning to Meet Special Needs shows teachers how to use creativity in the curriculum for key stages 2 and 3 to support the learning of pupils with special educati...
Records of Achievement in the Market Place (NFER Research Library)
by David Ashforth
"Records of Achievement" is the result of an extensive study of the views and practices of employers, YTS managing agents, college admission tutors and careers officers who have actually made use of Records of Achievements (RoAs) and other profiles. It offers important practical messages for those involved with RoA schemes and for all those likely to come into contact with the summary documents. This book should be of interest to /OREAD.
Supervision-Focusing on Mathematical Thinking Facilitator Book (Dale Seymour Lenses on Learning)
Top-up Pack
The Routledge Companion to Education
Who are the key thinkers in education? What are the hot topics in education? Where will education go from here? The Routledge Companion to Education presents the most comprehensive, up-to-date guide available to the key theories, themes and topics in education. Forty specially commissioned chapters, covering all aspects of education, introduce you to the ideas, research and issues that have shaped this most diverse, dynamic and fluid field. Part one provides an introduction to the key theori...
Big Math for Little Kids Teacher Resource Binder, Kindergarten (Big Math for Little Kids)
by Herbert P Ginsburg, Carole Greenes, and Robert Balfanz
Cross-Curricular Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School ... English
by David Stevens
What is the role of the individual school 'subject' and 'subject teacher' within school? Is it to teach a set of core subject knowledge, skills and understanding in a way that remains faithful to long-standing subject cultures and pedagogies? Or is there another way to consider how the curriculum and the notion of individual subjects and teachers' pedagogy could be constructed? Cross-Curricular Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School ... English brings together ongoing debates about perso...
Life Skills Math Skill Track Software, Site License (Ags Life Skills Math)
Prentice Hall Literature Student Edition Grade 9 Penguin Edition 2007c