I have so many complicated feelings about the themes in this book. And I love it. The whole time I was listening to this audiobook (Juliet Stevenson is queen btw) I kept feeling awe at how skillfully and masterfully Emma Thompson translated this into one of my favorite movies of all time.
I don't have a whole lot more to say about this right now, just that I love this story a lot. And......... THE AIR IS FULL OF SPICES okay sorry I couldn't resist.
My least favourite Austen so far. Although I loved Elinor, I didn't care much for any of the love interests for her and Marianne. The last quarter of the book dragged somewhat, and the resolution didn't leave me with the warm feelings I was hoping it would. The writing is amazing on a sentence-level, and her characterisations are amusing as ever, but her later works are a lot more polished and tighter in execution.
Whilst I didn't enjoy this one as much as Pride and Prejudice, I've still always loved Sense and Sensibility and the story it tells. Elinor is a pillar of strength, she'd do anything for her family and puts everybody else's needs above her own. She swallows down her disappointment at the turn her romantic endeavours take and pushes on, although she is clearly very much heartbroken.
Sense and Sensibility is a novel of the Dashwoods. Mrs. Dashwood, a silly women focused on acquiring a comfertable fortune and abode along with marrying off her daughters well. Elinor, a very sensible girl who always does the logical or right thing. Marianne who unlike her sister follows her heart and lives in the moment. She is also overly emotional and a drama queen which gets her into trouble. Lastly, there is the youngest sister Margaret who is yet to be developed.
After the death of Mr. Dashwood the estate is passed to the next male heir, John Dashwood his son from a previous marriage. Before his father's death John promises to take care of his Step-Mother and Sisters but like so many money gets in the way, along with a greedy wife. He is eventually convinced to give the girls less than they probably deserve. Eventuality, after realizing that neither Mrs. Dashwood can stand each others company any longer they move to Barton Cottage.
Elinor, while not as entertaining as her sister is more thoughtful and is a better confidante, and when her love interest is just out of hands reach it pulls at your heartstrings. Marianne on the other side is still hung up on a previous love and sometimes wonder if she ever really let go; even after her marriage. Although, I think Sense and Sensibility still has a fulfilling ending.
In classic Austen, we have our fair share of love triangles, scandal, a sense of entitlement and don't forget the sexy bad boys and noble gentlemen competing for our heroine's affections. Sense and Sensibility invokes so many emotions, from love and compassion to empathy and astonishment, so that it's hard to put down.
I think this needs to come back on my to-read list, as I have read a lot more about Jane Austen now, I might actually appreciate the story more as well.