Wh Smith as/A2 Level Literature Guide: the Tempest (5.3.99 W H Smith)
by Steve Eddy
Le Dicerie di Ser Filippo Ceffi Notaio Fiorentino (Classic Reprint)
by Filippo Ceffi
Shakespeare with Noodles (Shakespeare with Noodles)
by Professor Margaret Marsh
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Vol (4 of 8) (7999147, #4)
by William Shakespeare
Asymmetric Monetary Transmission in Europe (European and Transatlantic Studies)
by Volker Clausen
The euro and the ESCB have started in January 1999 and there is naturally a wide-ranging interest in academia and among policymakers in OECD coun- tries, how successful European Monetary Union will and can be. EMU has started with 11 countries and experienced a rapid depreciation of the cur- rency. With so many EU countries joining for a historical monetary union in a period of economic globalization, international financial market changes and ongoing EU enlargement the problem of monetary polic...
Tolstoy On Shakespeare
by Ernest Howard Crosby, Bernard Shaw, and Leo Tolstoy
William Shakespeare wrote during a great age of exploration, not only of England but around the globe. The locales featured in the playwright's works are crucial to the drama that unfolds in each of his plays, from Shylock's house in The Merchant of Venice to Kronberg castle in Hamlet. In All the World's a Stage: A Guide to Shakespearean Sites, Joseph Rosenblum identifies and describes all of the settings featured in the bard's plays-from modest dwellings noted in a brief scene or to the wide a...
Measure For Measure (Aperio Series: Loyola Humane Texts) (The Pelican Shakespeare)
by William Shakespeare
A timeless tale from the immortal Bard--revised and repackaged!
The Animal-Lore of Shakespeare's Time - Primary Source Edition
by Emma Phipson
The Plays Poems of Robert Greene, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)
by Professor Robert Greene