Written on Nov 8, 2015
I'm a fan of simple writing that seeps into my skin. If I read something that involves 16th century language or has the purple-prose, I have to be in the mood to read it. Unfortunately, I had to read Othello for my school exams and I wasn't in the mood to read and understand poetic language that went over my head.
With that in mind, here's a list of what I loved and loathed:
♦ The tragedy.
♦ The themes of racism, jealousy, pride, honour and the downfall of a hero.
♦ The manipulation and lies.
♦ Delving into the psyche' of people.
♦ Iago, one of the most evil and manipulative villains I have ever read about!
♦ The coincidences. Especially the ones involving the handkerchief
♦ The fact that everything could have been solved if people just communicated!
♦ The lack of connection between this book and I.
♦ The characters inability to notice a villain in their midst.
♦ Language being used as a barrier.
♦ My book edition's cover.