Leader Practices in an Elementary School Effectively Serving a Diverse Student Population
by Elizabeth Ann Mrozowicz
I'm A Horticulturist That Means I'm Creative, Cool, Passionate, Dedicated And Underappreciated
by Creacom Notebooks
Private Institutions, Public School Reform
Bringing change to our public school system is hard, and the current system of education governance creates barriers that can make that reform even harder. Here six authorities in public education discuss how local philanthropies can overcome them even if school districts cannot. Making School Reform Work identifies new institutions that can be created by foundations and civic groups to remedy deficiencies in local school governance, formulate bold reforms, and guarantee implementation. These i...
The Question of Pan-European Qualifications (Working Paper, #62)
by Dean Stroud, Peter Fairbrother, and Professor Amanda Coffey
Evil Genius Cleverly Desguised As A Correspondence Clerk
by Creacom Notebooks
Dimensions of Adult Learning
Adult education has never been more important or urgent than it is today Few educators have had the impact on adult education of Griff Foley. Professor Peter McLaren, University of California, Los Angeles This timely and valuable book makes an important contribution to our understanding of key recent developments in adult education and their significance. Reflecting the increasingly global nature of scholarship in the field, well-respected international contributors analyse issues facing practit...
Educational Leadership (Published in Association with the Open University)
Safe and Peaceful Schools
by John M Winslade and Professor of Geography Michael Williams
Zero tolerance provides zero learning In today′s culture where bullying and violence are on the rise, we know that children who are afraid or anxious are in no state of mind to learn. If you are serious about creating a safe school climate conducive to learning, this book will show you how. Written by counseling experts, Safe and Peaceful Schools provides a variety of research-based techniques to help students, school counselors, psychologists, administrators, and other educators develop conf...
Office Admin Assistant Because Freakin Miracle Worker Is Not An Official Job Title
by Creacom Notebooks
Education Facility Security Handbook
by Don Philpott and Michael Kuenstle
In the last decade, more than 300 violent deaths have occurred in or near school campuses. The killers, their motivations and backgrounds, and levels of damage inflicted vary, but our response and our goal remains singular: to protect our schools and keep those within them safe. This handbook seeks to help administrators, school boards, contractors, teachers-anyone connected with the design, construction, or administration of schools-achieve this goal by providing easy-to-follow guidelines for b...
A Study of Perceived Leadership Styles of Seven Jesuit University Presidents in Mexico
by Ruben Arceo
Re-Visioning Education: American Education Through the Mythological and Depth Psychological Perspective
by Jeff Walter Levering
Test Anxiety and Other Factors as Predictors of Outcome for an Undergraduate University's Examination of Writing Competency
by Carrie D Smith
Teacher Hiring Practices: A Study of the Teacher Hiring Process Used by Indiana Public School Principals
by John Fitzgerald Atha