An Introduction to Shakespeare
by Henry Noble MacCracken and H N Maccracken
Wh Smith as/A2 Level Literature Guide: the Tempest (5.3.99 W H Smith)
by Steve Eddy
The Life and Death of King Richard II (A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare)
This bibliography supplements the New Variorum Edition of 1955.
Shakespeare, With Introductory Matter on Poetry, The Drama, and The Stage (Unabridged)
by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Staging Britain's Past (Arden Studies in Early Modern Drama)
by Kim Gilchrist
Staging Britain's Past is the first study of the early modern performance of Britain's pre-Roman history. The mythic history of the founding of Britain by the Trojan exile Brute and the subsequent reign of his descendants was performed through texts such as Norton and Sackville’s Gorboduc, Shakespeare’s King Lear and Cymbeline, as well as civic pageants, court masques and royal entries such as Elizabeth I’s 1578 entry to Norwich. Gilchrist argues for the power of performed history to shape early...
Tolstoy On Shakespeare
by Ernest Howard Crosby, Bernard Shaw, and Leo Tolstoy
The Shakespearean World (Routledge Worlds)
The Shakespearean World takes a global view of Shakespeare and his works, especially their afterlives. Constantly changing, the Shakespeare central to this volume has acquired an array of meanings over the past four centuries. "Shakespeare" signifies the historical person, as well as the plays and verse attributed to him. It also signifies the attitudes towards both author and works determined by their receptions. Throughout the book, specialists aim to situate Shakespeare's world and what the w...
In this slim, poetically powerful volume, Piero Boitani develops his earlier work in The Bible and Its Rewritings, focusing on Shakespeare's "rescripturing" of the Gospels. Boitani persuasively urges that Shakespeare read the New Testament with great care and an overall sense of affirmation and participation, and that many of his plays constitute their own original testament, insofar as they translate the good news into human terms. In Hamlet and King Lear, he suggests, Shakespeare's "New Testam...
Shakespeare Studies v.30
Shakespeare Studies is an international volume published every year in hardcover, containing more than three hundred pages of essays and studies by critics from both hemispheres.
William Shakespeare wrote during a great age of exploration, not only of England but around the globe. The locales featured in the playwright's works are crucial to the drama that unfolds in each of his plays, from Shylock's house in The Merchant of Venice to Kronberg castle in Hamlet. In All the World's a Stage: A Guide to Shakespearean Sites, Joseph Rosenblum identifies and describes all of the settings featured in the bard's plays-from modest dwellings noted in a brief scene or to the wide a...
Measure For Measure (Aperio Series: Loyola Humane Texts) (The Pelican Shakespeare)
by William Shakespeare
A timeless tale from the immortal Bard--revised and repackaged!
The father-daughter relationship was one that Shakespeare explored again and again. His typical pattern featured a middle-aged or older man, usually a widower, with an adolescent daughter who had spent most of her life under her father's control, protected in his house. The plays usually begin when the daughter is on the verge of womanhood and eager to assert her own identity and make her own decisions, especially in matters of the heart, even if it means going against her father's wishes. This...
The first in a series on Shakespeare's original texts, including facsimile pages, this version of "Hamlet" is claimed to be, in some ways, the most authentic version of the play that we have. Included are an introduction, notes, and a theoretical, historical and contextual critique. This text has been rejected by scholars as a "bad Quarto" - corrupt and pirated text printed without the permission of the playwright or his company. Nonetheless, it was the first version of the play to be published...
Brayton Polka takes both a textual and theoretical approach to seven plays of Shakespeare: Macbeth, Othello, Twelfth Night, All's Well That Ends Well, Julius Caesar, Troilus and Cressida, and Hamlet. He calls upon the Bible and the ideas of major European thinkers, above all, Kierkegaard and Spinoza, to argue that the concept of interpretation, underlying both Shakespeare's plays and our own lives, is the golden rule of the Bible: the command to love your neighbor as yourself.
Shakespeare, Objects and Phenomenology (Palgrave Shakespeare Studies)
by Susan Sachon
This book explores ways in which Shakespeare's writing strategies shape our embodied perception of objects - both real and imaginary - in four of his plays. Taking the reader on a series of perceptual journeys, it engages in an exciting dialogue between the disciplines of phenomenology, cognitive studies, historicist research and modern acting techniques, in order to probe our sentient and intuitive responses to Shakespeare's language. What happens when we encounter objects on page and stage; a...
This new biography looks beyond the established facts of Shakespeare's life and traces how the events of his era affected the way he lived, thought and wrote. Shakespeare emerged as a survivor, never completely alienating either his political masters or his audience. Discussion of the plays, poems and sonnets is interwoven with relevant moments in both Shakespeare's life and his age: the financial ruin of his father; his marriage to an older woman; the ravages of the plague on both his family an...
Textual Transvestism: (Re)Visions of Heloise (17th-18th-Centuries) (Faux Titre, #398)
by Nancy M. Arenberg
Textual Transvestism analyzes the flourishing of imitative versions of Heloise's and Abelard's love correspondence in the late 17th and 18th centuries. Current theoretical approaches on epistolarity, narratology, cultural, feminist and gender studies have been used to focus on the various transformations (rewriting, adapting, veiling, fragmenting) of Heloise's epistles, mainly in the hands of male writers. I employ close textual analysis to investigate how the multiple (re)visions of her epistol...
It has been 400 years since William Shakespeare, the man heralded as the greatest writer in the English language and England's national poet, died. Shakespeare has made a profound mark on our culture and heritage. Yet many aspects of his life remain in the shadows, and many places throughout England have forgotten their association with him. This fascinating book takes the reader from the place of his birth at Stratford-upon-Avon all the way to London, the beating heart of Early Modern theatre-...