Written on May 12, 2016
This part started off rather interesting but as the story continued it got weirder all the time.
First of all, I had the feeling that C. S. Lewis only threw in the books The Magician's Nephew and The Horse and his Boy to justify some of the stuff in this novel. It didn't really feel connected, like one big story, but simple a little not so that a few parts in this book make sense.
Apart from that, I was very annoyed by the last third. As I mentioned, it all gets pretty weird and at some point does not even really try to explain stuff or make sense.
However, what was the worst of all is the ending. It felt rather cheap and like the easy way out. I don't want to add any spoilers but I only thought "Are you kidding me".
So summing up I have to say that The Last Battle is rather weird book that doesn't make much sense. I wasn't too fond of it and am generally happy that I'm finally done with the series.