Written on Apr 12, 2022
Knowing that it was commissioned by corporate to "young adults" the writing makes sense. There are too many brands that are brought up. it sort of works because it takes place in an environment where having THE brand of things is important.sometimes its hella distracting but its better than the Cheetah Girls books.
The PodcAst also said that the author was an alleged shadow writer for tv shows. which also tracks as the writing is fast paced but goes out of its way to "stage" certain items. IDK if this author has written books before but it reads as stage directions at times.
Overall. I enjoyed it. I didn't think i would and i don't like or connect with the characters. I enjoy the amount of irons in the fire. I enjoy bad things happening to bad people. while they are high schoolers and have a lot to learn about life, they are all rich kids that don't care about shit. its fun to see them squirm and have consequences. I liked it it so much i'm on book 4.
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