Written on Sep 22, 2016
When I first read this book in high school, I though the plot was boring, the characters were unsympathetic, and the message was somewhat disagreeable. I had no emotional or ideological connection with Edna's inner struggle and was quite happy to be done with this short little book (or so I thought).
2016: 2.5 stars
When I was assigned this in college, at first I was dismayed. I prepared to drag myself through all 116 tortuous pages again. So, big surprise when I found myself actually enjoying it the second time around. First, I liked Edna a lot more. I didn't always agree with her choices, or the way she went about things, but some of her thoughts and feelings really resonated with me. All of the characters, in fact, felt more real. They made me think. I also appreciated Kate Chopin's writing this time; it was smooth and seamless without being long-winded. So - still not my favorite book. But also not as terrible as I originally thought.