Metaphorosis Reviews
The Night Watch - the least regarded and least active law enforcement crew in Ankh-Morkpork is down a man. But just in time, would-be dwarf Carrot has volunteered - seemingly unaware that the role of the Watch is absolutely not to enforce the law. Especially when it involves dragons.
It was a rockier beginning than I recall, but when Pratchett hits his stride, he’s really funny. This book is even more full of little jokes than previous volumes, and is a fully contained and realized story like Pyramids was, though taking place in Ankh-Morpork and involving one or two familiar characters.
Really the only criticism I have is on pacing. The story doesn’t drag, but I did feel that it was closing in on an ending several times, and was surprised to find that I was, respectively, just a third and halfway through the book the first two times. It’s not a big problem, but it does underline that Pratchett is here more for the puns and situational humor than for the overarching storyline.
That said, this is a genuinely fun book – funny, easy to read, and the best Discworld book so far. It is (as with Pyramids) disappointing to see so many careless typos and formatting errors in a book that’s been out for 35 years.