Quirky Cat
Written on Feb 10, 2020
Rachel Morgan is one talented witch. Talented at getting herself into trouble, that is. She has gotten on the wrong sides of plenty of supernaturals, including a demon or two. But now, with the city on the verge of an Interland war, Rachel is going to have to make some tough calls.
As you all well know, magic comes with a cost. So do decisions made during wartimes. Every action has a reaction, and that seems to go doubly so for anything Rachel does, for there are many people watching and waiting.
I should probably mention that I’ve already read The Hollows series (Several times), but I recently noticed that I never actually reviewed them. So in preparation for the next Hollows book (so excited!), I’m going to do a reread and review run. So far I’m thrilled with my decision, because I had forgotten how enthralling this series can be!
“Practice makes perfect, I thought smugly, then braced myself. This was going to hurt like hell.”
Be still my heart! I had forgotten how much For a Few Demons More affected me. Don’t get me wrong, this was a beautifully written novel. One of many in the series, if I may say so. But that doesn’t lessen the impact any. In fact, I would argue the opposite is true.
If you’re a fan of series with lots of interspecies conflicts (witch, vampire, pixie, werewolf, etc), then The Hollows is a series worth checking out – assuming you’re not already a fan. In which case, join me in my reread run! I could use the company…and a shoulder to cry on.
Anyway, on to an actual review of this book. I adored For a Few Demons More. This is a novel that forced Rachel out into the open, where she had to make the hard calls on what to do, knowing full well that what she did would impact all of the others in the city. And possibly beyond. No big deal, right?
Seeing Rachel in these situations has always been fascinating. Her thought process is highly unique, and that can be both concerning and entertaining at times. Likewise, I adored seeing the politics in this novel, which there were quite a lot of.
It seemed like every secondary character made an appearance here, and they all wanted something for themselves, or for their kind. Each one carried a choice and a price. It’s a lot to take in. Best of all, having read the rest of the series, I can see how these building blocks fall into place.
Honestly, there’s a lot to love about this book. Beyond the politics and the worldbuilding, there’s a deeply personal story told in this novel in particular. It’s a series of events that put Rachel in…a vulnerable position. But once again, that makes her more human, which is ironic, I know. Kim Harrison did an excellent job setting the scene, as well as all of the chain events that get pushed into motion because of it.
Whew. I knew that this book was coming, and yet it still surprised me! That’s impressive, right? Now I have to decide if I want to dive right into The Outlaw Demon Wails, or if I want to give myself a week or two to recuperate first.
Check out more reviews over at Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks