Written on Jul 22, 2019
This is my fourth (maybe fifth?) time reading Ender’s Game. I listened to the audiobook in a record four days while on a long distant trip for work. FOUR DAYS – I’ve never listed to a book that fast. I don’t remember my age the first time I read it, but I remember the impact the story had on me. From the richly drawn characters to the stunning conclusion, it engrossed me from beginning to end.
Ender’s journey is quite frankly heartbreaking. As a little boy, he is pulled into a complex world of war. It’s a study in psychology, on how much one person can take before breaking under extreme pressure. The people in his life, from his enemies to his friends, are rich foils shaping his world view. Probably his most notable interaction is with Colonel Graff, the gruff superior officer destined to make Ender into the world’s best general. I came to both understand and hate Graff’s treatment of Ender.
While the characters are richly drawn, the story feels lacking. Time is spent on Ender, Valentine, and Peter’s journeys, but it feels like not much actually happens within the story…until you read the end. It takes a turn I completely did not expect, but truly loved. It’s Ender and the ending that keeps me coming back time and time again.
tl;dr An amazing main character and a stunning conclusion keeps this on the top of my all time list.