Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

Ender's Game (Ender Saga, #1)

by Orson Scott Card

Ender Wiggin is Battle School's latest recruit. His teachers reckon he could become a great leader. And they need one. A vast alien force is headed for Earth, its mission: the annihilation of all human life. Ender could be our only hope. But first he must survive the most brutal military training program in the galaxy...With its explosive storyline, pump-action excitement and hugely engaging central characters, Ender's Game is 2002's absolute must-read for teenaged boys. Forget schools for wizards, this is where the *real* action is.

Reviewed by dokie80 on

5 of 5 stars

I listen to the audiobook for this book.
Always love a story with genius kid, combined with sci-fi, then it's a BOOM! I like the story, the school, the war games, the deception.
Listening this book feels alot like reading [b:The Hunger Games|2767052|The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1)|Suzanne Collins|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1358275334s/2767052.jpg|2792775] for the war games, [b:Firstborn|8562526|Firstborn|Brandon Sanderson|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1328340261s/8562526.jpg|13430971] for the sci-fi and the war games, and some other books that use school environment in the story.
And btw, this book is written in 1985. Should've read this when I was 5.

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  • 28 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 28 August, 2013: Reviewed