Instantly hooked me with her original and fun voice.
In a lot of ways, our beauty standards do have quite a lot of similarities with England's own at the time. It helps that our heroine is one of us that doesn't fit in for different reasons so we can relate while the Victorian views on Irish and Italian constitutions viciously keep us rooted in the silly side of the past. No one "darker" than an Italian is subject to their heinously racist views on brown skin, which is a sword that cuts both ways. But we all know sadly what it would be.
We do get the campiest, slyest vampire best friend, which is a boon that keeps on giving.
The world is an interesting take. It's nice to see someone play around the soul without it being religiously motivated or lightly-veiled propaganda.
I had this on my to-be read list because of this factor in the description for years. I didn't need the soothing rom-com until now and I feel saved because I "ignored" this book before. Henceforce, my TBR is no longer. It's my WILLING-to read book list.
Maybe I'm saving it for later, like a potion or ingredient in a game. Maybe times or I will change and I'll toss it like dated rubish.
But at this moment, I can say for sure my next to be read book is book two, Changeless. Because I already checked it out from my local library. And I will always love ebook borrowing.