Poor Alexia! I was left, so bereft, at the end of the last book, with Lord Maccon casting his wife out in her delicate condition. This delicate condition causing an increase in the Vampires' and the Templars' interests in Lady Maccon. In this book, we find Alexia trying to find "proof" for her husband (and everyone else), that she has had no questionable transgressions. This takes her and her rag-tag group of friends, which the Earl has nicknamed the Parasol Protectorate, on an adventure through France and Italy. We find Alexia, slowly, learning more about her preternatural roots and the infant inconvenience. With this, there was still everything that endears me to this series - action, adventure, witty dialog, danger, intrigue, and yes, romance. The colorful cast of characters has grown, and many characters' situations have changed. I did have to deduct half a star for the ending, but it may be the quiet before the storm.