Did somebody say magic? My head pops out of the earth like a gopher. Here we get a super fascinating African setting that was clearly inspired by tribes and their legends.
I love the concept of magic we get here and how it unfolds over the course of the book. Also, there will be another installment, and I can't wait to read more about this world.
Kingdom of Souls was a book I basically devoured. The story is super thrilling and there are so many twists and turns you won't see coming. Rena Barron keeps you on your toes all the way!
The main character Arrah is pretty cool and relatable. Her development is well-written and it was wonderful to watch her grow.
I could have done without the love story, though.
There's only one (slightly) negative point I need to mention. Sometimes the pacing felt a little off. Around the middle, we were moving rather slowly only to then get a very fast finish. Some room for improvement there, but it wasn't too bad.