It's been a while since my...Read more
It's been a while since my heart has been sqeeeeeeezed so hard, since I've cried so hard...since I've loved so much... This book really took me on a heck of a roller coaster! And it does not disappoint!
You CAN NOT MISS THIS BOOK! It gutted me to the core more than once, but it's beautiful.
Our heroine is so so strong...and in so much pain... and you feel EVERYTHING. And Rhage...my man... you pulled out all the stops.
Rhage has his...well... issues, as we saw in the first book. You see he shares his body with a terrible beast...blood thirsty, a being that literarily eats Lessers. Comp = gone.
But our dear Mr Hyde is somewhat of a conundrum. And as Mary says...he's kind of beautiful in his terrifying, I will eat you kind of way.
But fear not. The book is not going to only make your gut hurt. It's packed full of good action, we get more close and personal with several of the other Warriors and some Civilians as well.
Mr. X and Mr. O though...they've got plans...big plans... and they are moving into new territory and bringing out new methods.