I don't LOVE Eadlyn like I did America quite yet, but I think she's going to grow into someone I love as much, if not more. I knew by the end of The Selection that I loved Prince Maxon for America, but at by the end of The Heir I'm really not sure who is best for Eadlyn.
There's lots of great options and that's exciting for future books. I think getting to know the suitors is part of the fun, so I won't talk about them here - but Cass created quite a variety! I also loved seeing glimpses of characters from the previous books all grown up and how they're part of America and Maxon's lives this far in the future. I did feel a bit of a disconnect from who some of them had once been and who they are now- I know they've grown and changed over the past twenty-ish years, but it still was a little jarring at first and took some getting used to. But it's super cool getting to see the family and world Maxon and America have worked so hard to build - and to see what has worked and what has turned out to be harder than anticipated.
My only regret right now? Reading The Heir when the next book isn't due out for a long while! I read the others back to back and didn't have to do this torturous waiting thing. And this one ended on a bit of a heartbreaking cliff hanger - I teared up a bit - so it's going to be a long wait! I think I might end up rereading just before the next one comes out so that all the suitors and details will be fresh- but I'm definitely looking forward to more of Eadlyn's story!