Written on Dec 11, 2013
As others have stated, the first problem I have with this book are the characters' names: Wrath, Tohrment, Vishous, Rhage, Phury, Zsadist, and Mr. X. Seriously? I thought I could just look past it, and I could have if the rest of the story had been good. But... it wasn't. It was terrible.
Within ten minutes of beginning this book I was looking to see what year it was written in, positive it must be from the 90s. Words and statements such as "whacked," "I'm outtie," and "off the chain" litter the first few pages. I've never heard most of these except in jokes, and I'm 25 years old. This author is clearly out of touch with the 21st century.
**Possible mild spoilers**
My other obvious problem with this book is that, for a romance, it's just embarrassing. The first description we get of the main character is "Wrath was six feet, six inches of pure terror dressed in leather. His hair was long and black, falling straight from a widow's peak." Anyone else turned on? Yeah, me either. And we're to believe that he magically grew muscles when he "changed?" I don't buy it. I don't even know what to say about Beth. One night after being traumatized by near-rape, she throws herself on a man she's never met who breaks into her house and begs him for sex? And the sex in the first scene, 20 seconds after they "meet" and before any words are exchanged, is the worst I've read and completely unbelievable. Woman sees giant man break into house, woman is instantly turned on, woman begs him to touch her. Man touches her and she instantly has 50,000,0000,000 orgasms. Seems about right.
I'm sorry, fellow goodreaders. I'm not sure how exactly this book got such a good rating, but I'm in the middle of my first semester at a new university and I just can't waste my nights reading this drivel. Good luck to the rest of you!