Written on Dec 7, 2015
I just never got into Bitter Blood. The ghosthunter angle could have been interesting if they had played a larger role in the story. As it is, they just show up and annoy people. I think they were just there to give Miranda something to do. As for Monica running for mayor? I honestly don't even understand Claire's reasoning behind that. No one is going to vote for a 19 year old psycho, and there's no way the vampires would let it happen anyway. I suppose it could have been funny if it weren't so out of left field.
However, my biggest issue with Bitter Blood was that no one even considers the obvious. There have been some rule changes in Morganville, and they don't really fit with Amelie's vision. In fact, a few vampires aren't acting like themselves, and we're told why near the beginning. Maybe that contributed to my frustration, because I just wanted Claire to figure it out already. But seriously no one even thinks about the fact that vampires have special abilities, including compulsion, and that probably someone is using compulsion which is why everyone is acting strange.
Bitter Blood just wasn't a favorite at all. It didn't even feel like filler. To me the story didn't even fit into what's happening. And once Claire finally does realize what's going on, it's fixed in just a few pages. That's not very exciting.
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