Spellcaster was quite cheesy, but it was still super fun! Sometimes that's all you need! I really enjoyed that there was a bigger focus on magic this time. Angelique and Emma spend a lot of time working on spells, which don't always go the way they imagined. It was also interesting to see how using magic more and more was changing Emma. Then there's this huge revenge plot! It felt kind of random and weird, but I enjoyed it! It's sort of one of those "if I can't have him, no one can" deals, which I love! Although this person is totally nuts. I also loved that finally a character tries to go the legal route when dealing with a stalker, rather than just facing it alone. Of course, it's magic that saves the day, but it was still smart and refreshing to have a character use their brain.
Spellcaster was a fun follow up and great end to Emma and Brenda's story. True love is powerful thing! But it also makes people do crazy things. I also really liked how there was this theme of being careful how you treat people. A lot of this could have been avoided if certain people had been more aware of other people's feelings. But they're teenagers and self absorbed!
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