Written on Oct 8, 2015
A retelling of the classic Little Red Riding Hood fairytale with a twist. I was really excited to pick up this book when I stumbled upon it in 2012. I read it while on break from grad school, but recently re-read it while abroad for work because I had managed to borrow the entire series from a friend.
Sisters Red tells the story of Scarlet and Rosie, sisters who hunt werewolves called the Fenris. I'm actually drawing a blank when it comes to the finer details of this whole story, which makes me question my 3-star decision. I also quickly anticipated the "twist" ending. Overall, I would say the relationship between Scarlet and Rosie was one of the stronger points for liking this book, but I also managed to find Rosie a little dull.
Pearce did manage to craft an interesting retelling of the classic fairytale, and whatever I originally loved about this book led me to read the rest of the series.