Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce

Sisters Red

by Jackson Pearce

Scarlett March lives to hunt the Fenris--the werewolves that took her eye when she was defending her sister Rosie from a brutal attack. Armed with a razor-sharp hatchet and blood-red cloak, Scarlett is an expert at luring and slaying the wolves. She's determined to protect other young girls from a grisly death, and her raging heart will not rest until every single wolf is dead.

Rosie March once felt her bond with her sister was unbreakable. Owing Scarlett her life, Rosie hunts ferociously alongside her. But even as more girls' bodies pile up in the city and the Fenris seem to be gaining power, Rosie dreams of a life beyond the wolves. She finds herself drawn to Silas, a young woodsman who is deadly with an ax and Scarlett's only friend--but does loving him mean betraying her sister and all that they've worked for?

Reviewed by Stephanie on

3 of 5 stars

Sisters Red is a retelling of the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood. It follows two sisters, Scarlett and Rosie as they fight to keep Fenris from killing other girls. There's also Silas, the woodsman son who has lived near them all their lives and has become their hunting partner. But Silas left for a year leaving Scarlett and Rosie to hunt by themselves. Silas is back now and Scarlett can't help but feel the drive to go hunting again with her old hunting partner. But Silas and Rosie have feelings of their own that don't include Scarlett or hunting. There's also the increasing numbers of Fenris showing up in their town and numerous murder's in the city. Scarlett has to do something about the murders, knowing they're happening because of the Fenris.

I started off a little bored with Sisters Red. The only thing happening was Scarlett fighting Fenris. I couldn't help but think "Is this really all this book is about?" Which, for the most part, yeah. That is what the whole book is about. But more exciting things did happen that I won't mention for the sake of not spoiling anything.

Scarlett kind of got on my nerves. All she can think about is fighting, and when Rosie or Silas would hint at something outside of hunting, she would flip out. How dare they think of something other than hunting. I do understand why she is that way. She is missing an eye and her body is very scared because of a Fenris attack (which I just now realized how ironic her name is). But she takes it to the extreme at times. She even uses the fact that she saved Rosie's life against her. Rosie can't go out and have some fun because she owes her life to Scarlett. Therefore, has to do whatever Scarlett tells her to do.

I felt so bad for Rosie. Throughout the story she is struggling with herself to remain loyal to her sister. She has feelings for Silas, but she can't express them because Scarlett will get mad. She wants to go out and take a dance class, but Scarlett will get mad because she's wasting precious time that could be used for hunting.

But that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the book. I really did. There were some awesome fighting scenes and some twists. Though I did have the big twist figured out earlier on in the book. And Scarlett does redeem herself in the end.

Overall I liked Sisters Red. It was an awesome twist on the Little Red Riding Hood tale and a new take on werewolves.

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  • 1 August, 2011: Finished reading
  • 1 August, 2011: Reviewed