Written on Apr 12, 2020
We meet photographer, Vivian Brazier, a young woman cut off from her family’s funds for pursuing a career in art. To make ends meet, she takes crime scene photos and tips a detective off to clues she picked up at the scene. This unknowingly places her in danger.
Nick Sundridge has a talent to “see” things through disturbing dreams and visions. When Vivian’s name appear in an encrypted diary, Nick acts as her bodyguard. As their attraction grows, he works with others to thwart a killer.
The tale that unfolds was suspenseful and offered us a glimpse into Nick’s talent and past. Quick hooked me as the danger mounted and the chemistry between this commitment shy couple grew.
Readers of the series are treated to scenes with key characters & couples as we check into the exclusive hotel in Burning Cove. I found Quick’s detailed technical knowledge of 1930s photography fascinating. She brings the period to life and often shares tidbits that have me exploring Google.
While the romance was predictable, the case and the killer’s perspective pulled me in. Quick has endeared me to the characters in this series. I delighted when they aided Nick and Vivan. Secondary characters ad This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer