Written on Feb 26, 2017
I need to know more about the DARK…
Geez, I hate being the last to know. Donna Grant has only recently come onto my radar and I have a lot to catch up on. Reading Firestorm was great but I hated not knowing who, what, where or why things were happening except for the small amount I learnt in Smoke and Fire. I enjoyed the journey but it kind of felt like I had slept the whole way flying first class to a holiday destination. The holiday is awesome but getting to experience flying first class (instead of sleeping through it) would have made the holiday even better. I need and want to experience all of the DARK.
I really enjoyed Dimitri and Faith’s love story. In my eyes, they are a match made in heaven. Faith is an archaeologist who finds joy in digging up the past and studying objects that tell of what has happened in that time. Dimitri is an immortal dragon who lived in that past and had a part in placing the objects Faith gets excited about digging up. How cool would it be to find out the facts…straight from the dragon’s mouth?
Faith’s dedication to the job can sometimes lead her to ignore what is going on around her. Luckily, she has good friends, especially her assistant Tamir. Tamir is a fellow archaeologist who helps run the digs that Faith gets assigned to. He has a talent for keeping things running smoothly and allowing Faith to work without interruptions. When Faith’s latest job is unearthing a dragon, for the first time ever, Tamir is concerned that they’ve bitten off more than they can chew.
Dimitri is the White Dragon King and Fair Isle (the site of the dig) is where he and his people lived before mortals tried to end their existence. When Con, the King of the Dragon Kings, learns that a dragon has been unearthed, he sends Dimitri to destroy the remains to keep their existence a secret. Once Dimitri arrives and comes face to face with Faith and feels an immediate attraction, he knows that things are not going to be as easy as he thought.
Dimitri and Faith must team up to protect the secret and also make sure that no others suffer because of the war that is brewing. Faith's scientific mind struggles to come to term with fate, magic and immortals. Dimitri struggles with falling for a mortal who's kind put his dragons in danger and forced them to leave this world. But love is love and with time they must trust their feelings.
Firestorm was quite a long story filled to the brim with a storyline that kept my attention. Dimitri and Faith’s story was easy to follow, what I did struggle with was the side-stories. Without knowing the full histories of the Dark – Dragons, Warriors, Reapers and Highlanders, I always felt like I was missing something. I want to go back to the beginning…but that’s a HUGE undertaking. There’s like 100’s (slight exaggeration) of books to catch up on.
The Dark Kings series is full of action, adventure and romance. The Dragons are facing war but to me, it’s not entirely clear who the enemy is. We’re lead to believe that Ulrik is behind all that is going wrong but there are a few more players that seem to want to cause mischief.
To be honest, I’m not a huge fan of Con. Yeah, yeah, he’s got a job that kind of sucks but that business with the Light Queen and how he could do something like that knowing that Rhi might find out is BAD. IF and that’s a big IF, his mate ends up being Rhi, I hope she kicks his butt to kingdom come for all his douchewaffle ways.
I definitely want to read more in this series but I would love it more if I could just find a couple of months of uninterrupted reading time to get all the Highlanders, Warrior, Reapers and Kings read first.
I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -