I’ve heard so much about these books and about Barrons that I finally craved in and started reading. It seems like I’m the last one to read these but oh well…
I liked the Ireland setting and Dublin’s darkness which was, thankfully, the opposite of Mac’s character. For me the biggest problem with the book was Mac. When the book starts she’s this, naïve, not-so-bright, I love all things pink-bright-fluffy-rainbows-clothes-makeup kind of girl that I wouldn’t want to be locked in the same room with. The kind who nearly gets driven over by a car and the first thing is if your hair looks good. It just made her sound little shallow and there was just too much telling what kind of nail polish she uses and stuff.
Also the book is told by first person Mac, but by Mac in the future. She would tell these annoying hindsight things that got old very quickly.
Or so I thought. It would turn out to be just one more of those things I was wrong about. Soon, we would be living inside each other’s pockets, whether we liked it or not.
And believe you me, we didn’t. pg. 75
Believe you me? I certainly won’t but apparently the editor does.
I’ve been reading so much about Mac and Barrons and I was waiting to see some attraction between them but nada. Nothing. I guess that’s for later books. I didn’t hate Barrons but I didn’t see that something that everyone else seems to see.
All in all the book was enjoyable but not great. But I’m curious enough to see if that will change in future books to read more.