Written on Dec 5, 2011
Original review: http://onabookbender.com/2012/01/16/review-lover-unbound-by-j-r-ward/
I am happy that the gangsta speak was limited in Lover Unbound compared with the previous book. But I did have a few teeny tiny issues with this book as well. I disliked the ambiguous nature of V’s and Butch’s relationship, not because of the romantic undertones of the relationship, but rather I wish the issue had not been danced around for so long. I am glad that they finally got everything out in the open in this book, and I do believe that Butch had V’s feelings pegged exactly. I was also a little leery of how easily and quickly Jane succumbed to V considering her strong personality. And, of course, there was the very convenient ending, which seems to be becoming a standard fare.
Other than that, I adored V. His life has been far from easy, but you just want to huggle him and make it all better. The romance between V and Jane was hardly easy and was rather chest-constricting at times. Not that these are fast books to read, but Lover Unbound was an easy book to get lost in and escape to for a while. I was also appreciative of the fact that there was barely any lessers POV in this book. Those parts are boring anyway.
And John Matthew! While there was a lot of set up for Phury (since his book is next), John Matthew kind of stole the secondary characters show here. I cannot wait to read his book.