Written on May 27, 2017
I don’t know about a lot of other reviewers or even readers in general for that matter, but I can sometimes find a long book somewhat intimidating. Now Blaze wasn’t an overly long book but it wasn’t a short story either. There are always deadlines to meet, time constraints because of life and family commitments and even your mindframe at the time can make or break whether a book seems too long. Not sure if this has happened to other readers but it’s happened to me more than once. I started reading Blaze and six hours later (slight exaggeration) I looked down at the bottom of my Kindle and realised I’m only at 16%. What? How can that be? So, I batten down the hatches and get serious. Then, 10 minutes later (slight exaggeration) I’m at 82%. HUH? How did that happen? Which leaves me trying to slow down because it’s going too fast.
I don’t know about you, but this happens to me a lot more frequently when I’m reading a good paranormal romance. It’s the mating attraction, with growly Alpha males and unsuspecting heroines, mixed with action, suspense and forces beyond our wildest dreams. You get the buzz from seeing the good guys battle it out with the bad guys. We get to see mates/families/clans having each other’s backs and fighting alongside them to see that good overcomes evil. There’s this feeling of doom, just around the corner, that you’re waiting to arrive. Will they have their magic sword at hand when the evil forces attack? Can their magic fight the other magic or will a new spell conquer them all?
These are the feeling I have come to love experiencing while reading a Donna Grant paranormal romance. While Blaze, may seem to be a little long in the start and may even drag while we do the meet and greet, it doesn’t take long to get into the swing of things.
I really enjoyed seeing Devon and Anson’s love story take shape. There was an attraction between them from the start, but you could almost call this one a slowburn…well for a paranormal it was slow..ish. I mean, they didn’t jump each other after 5 minutes of knowing each other, it was more like 10 minutes. In the paranormal worlds, I’ve met, that’s considered a long courtship.
Anyways, I don’t know about any other Dark Kings fans, but geez the Con and Rhi saga is KILLING ME!! Crikey, Ms Grant, I’ve only read the last couple of books in this series, but I feel for other readers who’ve read all of them. It’s killing me seeing these two apart when they’re obviously meant for each other. It will devastate me if these two don’t make it to the end…OR…heaven forbid…ended up with someone else???
Now, I’m the perfect example of someone who can come late to the party but still enjoy it. I only started reading the Dark Kings series at #9 and while there were some initial teething problems, I soon settled in. I think Donna Grant successfully manages to help regular readers "remember” and new readers “catch up” on what happened previously. I liked the friendly reminder and it helped me follow along better.
So, Blaze was a success for me and I will definitely be back for more. I got to know a few more of the Druids and Warriors when they stepped in to lend a helping hand. And, Now, it looks like I have to add the Dark Swords to my unending list of books/series to be read. Time…if I only had time…only time…
Stacey is Sassy, received an advanced copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.