Set in 1846, a time where you have horse-drawn carriages, women suspected of witchcraft and no social media. What is not to love! The way notes had to be delivered by young lads running the streets, a taxi was a horse-drawn carriage or you walked! All adds to the isolation of Castle Carver, the home of Mrs Sophronia Carver, the widow in question. Never leaving the house due to the intense hatred the townspeople have for her, the fear of the witchcraft is great and all fingers are pointed her way.
In sweeps Gabriel Stone, the new minister for Pale Harbour, everyone wanting to woo him and to warn him away from Mrs Carver. All this does is to add to the intrigue of her, but is she casting a spell on him?
I guessed who the “culprit” was early on due to a phrase in the book which I then remembered later on and it would be easy to sweep it under the carpet but for a change, I wouldn’t let the feeling go and it paid off. I did not guess completely the whys, well this was a bit more complicated and a little sad.
I loved the setting of Pale Harbour, the fog rolling in the harbour, the cold dreary nights rolling in and a spot of murder to boot. This really did add a chill and atmosphere surrounding the story, who is murdering the townsfolk? Who is leaving ravens and guarded messages to Mrs Carver? Does someone truly want her dead?
I loved Sophronia, she seemed so fragile and sweet whilst living every day in her own prison of Castle Carver, with no one for company apart from her loyal servant Helen, a lonely solitude life made my heartbreak for her. Until Gabriel entered her life and something in her is awakened. The same can be said for Gabriel, suffering a broken heart too, moving to Pale Harbour to carry out his promise to be a minister but it is not what is true in his heart.
I was completely swept away with The Widow of Pale Harbour and I really want to read Hester’s first novel. I was captivated by Fox’s writing, I was enthralled by the story and I loved the links between the murders and mysteries with the legend that is Edgar Allen Poe. Could it be any more creepy?! I loved that everything happened at a much slower pace than I am used to, everything took time to be uncovered, friendships blossomed and pure devotion and love shone through. I really did adore this book and I really do recommend this to everyone!