Written on Sep 16, 2013
Have you read the first 3? Probably not and if you did I already know you are a huge fan of this series. You have to be to want to read the last one. Rick Yancey's voice for the characters is amazing I loved the writing and how they spoke. It was slow for the most part and you need to push through the books but by the time you are finished reading you loved them as if they didn't have a lacking moment at all.
The Final Descent is the last book in the series. It follows again the journals of Will Henry but this time it is different. I was a little confused but then realized we are going in a circle, the beginning starts at a later point then you go back and forth until you start at the beginning again before you finally get to the end. Are you confused? So was I but I didn't realize what was happening until it was over and I cried.
I was so angry with Will Henry the synopsis doesn't lie you wont be happy with him. I realize a lot about both characters and felt more in this book for Dr. Warthrop more of a pity and misunderstanding sense. I really think all his teaching are really out of love for Will Henry but he's just not one of those people that doesn’t know how to express feeling.
I know I will never forget this series and it will always be with me. I started this series for my son and I fell in love with the characters and the story. Goodbye Will Henry and Dr. Pellinor Warthrop I am really going to miss you both! I recommend The Final Descent and the Entire Series to my kids and my kids kids, to my friends, neighbors, strangers on the street and anyone else that is willing to listen to me because this book and the entries series is a must read
I gave The Final Descent 5/5 Stars, yes it was confusing at time and Will Henry scared the heck out of me but I loved it. The writing style and the voice of the characters in that era are fantastic. I loved every minute of this book confusing parts and all. I cried at the end, sobbed really, I will miss them and the end was the end..... that just made me cry even harder.
See more of my reivews at love2readalways.blogspot.com