Written on Jul 29, 2019
I went into this book slightly nervous because I have never really read any M/M books. But I have to say that I found Blay and Quinn's story to be so very beautiful, heartbreaking at points, wonderful...innocent... it was just wonderful, it's hard to explain haha.
Because we are not new to these males when we read this book (if you follow the books) and we have visited their intense emotions about each other several times before, it was indeed a case of "finally, you deserve it" case.
I feel that [a:J.R. Ward|20248|J.R. Ward|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1437768069p2/20248.jpg] wrote this book absolutely perfect. It was very very well written to an audience that wasn't necessarily into reading about this particular type of relationship, but it was written in such a way that I never ever felt any type of "awequard" feelings about them.
It was sexy, it was passionate, it was heart-wrenching in places! Because of Quinn's sad past, it was made so very clear how very much his parents and family, the Glymera etc - their attitude towards him, and how they treated him - how much that affected him as an adult male, how he was in denial about who he really was, how he really felt - because the past was still very much with him.
And it was so beautiful to follow his journey from denial - to finally surrendering, accepting his true feelings and identify himself as what he really was.
Can't wait to read on... [b:The Shadows|21849362|The Shadows (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #13)|J.R. Ward|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1404479585l/21849362._SX50_.jpg|41120683] is the next book! 3