Archangel’s Consort by Nalini Singh is the third book to Nalini Singh’s Guild Hunter series, and it’s just as addicting as the first two. If you haven’t started reading this series, I highly recommend you read them in order. If you don’t, you will miss out on reading Elena and Raphael’s relationship growing. I friggin’ love Elena and Raphael’s relationship even though Raphael can be a tad overbearing at times with his protection. Elena wants to be able to do her job as a Guild Hunter, but Raphael is a little weary on letting go without one of his Seven beings with her. She’s a new angel, and with that comes weaknesses that Elena needs to live with now. In Archangel’s Consort, Elena gets a chance to learn how to fly better, but she is still grasping onto her new life with the beautiful wings that are attached to her.
In this installment of the Guild Hunter series, Raphael’s mother is showing signs of awakening from being asleep for thousands of years. She wasn’t stable back in the day, and she most likely won’t be stable in the present. Raphael’s mother wants her son, but Raphael has to protect everyone else and may end up having to destroy the one person who made him.
It’s going to be an epic battle between mother, son, and others that get in between in Archangel’s Consort. Nalini knows how to keep the action going from each book she writes in this series, and I swear each book gets better and better when I’m reading them. I even loved the intimate moments between Raphael and Elena in this book because they have grown further together. Not everyone is on board with Elena and Raphael together, especially since she is his consort. Although, in my opinion, Raphael needs Elena even more now since his mother is about to show up. They complete each other and keep each other sane.
Many things come up in this book that brings to light about Elena’s past and her present. She is dealing with a lot still, and something comes forward that makes her realize how she became a Guild Hunter. Let’s say lots of shock moments in this installment that will keep you flipping the pages to find out even more shock moments. Ahhh! =)
I’m telling you Nalini has a way of sucking the reader in the story, which is why I’m moving right along to the next book in the series. I need more. I give this book five full moons and highly recommend it to PNR/UF readers out there.
This is one series that has now become a favorite, and I look forward to reading way more of this series. =)