Written on Jun 1, 2019
This was intense. I don't even really know where to start because this book tackles the controversial issue of how far you'll go to save someone you love - even if it's at the expense of another loved one. Is it fair to ask Anna to dedicate her entire life to being the backup plan for Kate? No. Do I understand why her mum did it? Yes. But I don't think I could make the same choices. And as much as I was determined to know what happens - I don't know that I could say this book is good. It's long. Too long. 400+ pages that could have been condensed because I don't know that half the words added anything to the story. I was interested to know what happens but I didn't particularly like any of the characters and I wasn't emotionally invested in them. And the ending (show spoiler)[??? Seriously? I don't know how I wanted it to end but it seemed too abrupt (like oh crap, I should've finished five chapters ago but I wrote more and now I have to sum it up in two paragraphs type thing). It felt very random. Although I guess it kind of wrapped everything up in a neat little bow. ] .
It was an interesting topic but overall fell flat in execution. 2 stars.
It was an interesting topic but overall fell flat in execution. 2 stars.