"It was haunting, hearing it played out loud and out of sync with the version in her head." (Violet Ambrose)
I don't have much to say about this book, because what I feel about it is summed up in my reviews of the previous books in the series i.e. The Body Finder, Desires of the Dead and The Last Echo. Therefore, I'm just going to list the things that I love, the things that I feel indifferent about and the things that I absolutely loath.
💀 That the aftermath of Violet's kidnapping, her feelings about it and her coping mechanisms are dealt with.
💀 That Violet has an imprint and has to figure out how to cope with it.
💀 Learning more about Violet's abilities through her grandmother's journals.
💀 The whole question involving who is behind the psychic organisation that Violet is a part of.
💀 Finding out who Dr. Lee really is and also learning about the Circle of Seven.
💀 Violet and Jay.
💀 Rafe and Chelsea.
💀 The fact that I kept on falling asleep while reading this book. But, I can't blame my sleepiness entirely on the boredom that Dead Silence made me feel. I was also extremely fatigued.
💀 That Rafe keeps on flirting with Violet even although she told him that she wasn't interested in him.
💀 That the plot is extremely repetitive. Violet stumbles on a few bodies, hunts down a killer and ends up getting in trouble. There's also loads of Violet and Jay conflict to make things more interesting.
💀 Violet's involvement in the murder investigation and her relations to the killer is far-fetched. An example is that, Grady, the guy who sexually assault Violet, becomes a suspect in the murder investigation so that Violet is encouraged to save Grady's name by finding out more about the killer.
💀 Violet is a silly, silly girl! She is always going off on her own trying to hunt down a cold, blooded murderer. Hasn't she learnt from previous experiences that this is a bad idea?
💀 The murderer wasn't scary enough for me and because he had no direct relation to Violet, I never felt that she was in imminent danger.
💀 That there's absent-parent syndrome.
💀 That Violet's team wasn't given enough page-time. What happened to Violet's psychic team and the missions that they go on?
💀 The ending of the series is one of the most unsatisfying series endings EVER! All the main plot points from The Body Finder are left unresolved.
I'm not a fan of The Body Finder series. I expected a dark and creepy paranormal mystery and instead, I ended up with romance and teenage angst. After reading The Last Echo and loving the direction that the series started to take, I thought I would enjoy Dead Silence, but I was left disappointed.
"The thing was, she wasn't a damsel, at least not the kind who needed saving from dragons and whatnot. Her worst enemy, as it turns out, was herself." (Violet Ambrose)