Written on Jul 18, 2014
For a Paranormal Romance, How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire has a lot of plot going on. Roman's dentist, Shanna, is in the Witness Protection Program, and the night he comes in the men she's hiding from find her. Roman saves her, completely freaking her out in the process (again, hilarious so I won't spoil it), but manages to get her back to his home and under his protection. It turns out that a vampire has hired the hitmen who are after Shana, one that is also an enemy to Roman. There's several interesting twists along the way, but overall, the conclusion was predictable.
The romance was a bit awkward, but in an adorable way. It's clear that Roman doesn't have much experience with human woman, so he's kind of a bumbling mess when he's trying to protect and woo Shanna. Likewise, Shanna has no experience with vampire men, so she's suspicious and at times freaked out about things that happen. Such as Roman not being able to make it back to his room before sunrise and Shanna finds him "dead." I loved that there were odd moments like this sprinkled out in the beginning, instead of them just immediately falling into lust and love. They had to work through some stuff before they got there. And have vampire sex, which is amazing! The ultimate safe sex!
How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire is a fun romance full of vampires, Russian mafia, and kilts. I did really enjoy it while I was reading, but it was too easy to put down, since I felt like I had read this before.
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