It should be the best time of half-vampire Cat Crawfield's life. With her undead lover Bones at her side, she's successfully protected mortals from the rogue undead. But though Cat's worn disguise after disguise to keep her true identity a secret from the brazen bloodsuckers, her cover has finally been blown, placing her in terrible danger.
And if that wasn't enough, a woman from Bones' past is determined to bury him once and for all. Caught in the crosshairs of a vengeful vamp yet determined to help Bones stop a lethal magic from being unleashed, Cat's about to learn the true meaning of bad blood. And the tricks she's learnt as a special agent won't help her here. She's going to have to fully embrace her vampire instincts if she's going to save herself - and Bones - from a fate worse than the grave.
- ISBN10 006197756X
- ISBN13 9780061977565
- Publish Date 6 October 2009 (first published 30 December 2008)
- Publish Status Active
- Imprint HarperCollins eBooks
- Format eBook
- Pages 352
- Language English

I think this is the first time I've reread a book and given it a higher rating the second time around. And reading my review, my opinion has definitely changed on a couple points!
First of all, I think the reason I though the first 25% dragged my first-time reading was that I had let too much time lapse between books and I was out of synch with the characters. Because I did not feel that AT ALL this time. If I weren't so tired at the end of the day (perils of being a working, student, toddler mom), I would have easily finished this book in 4 days. Instead, I kept falling asleep, despite really wanting to stay up and find out what happened next.
And I mean that in all seriousness, I was anxious to know what happened in a book I've previously read. But I forgot EVERYTHING. I was buddy reading this with Brandee and there are a couple very memorable moments - the scene where I said I "nearly cried" in my first reading and an action sequence towards the end - and I had 0 recollections of them until they were happening. I said to her "I'm starting to question that I actually read these books" because so much was shocking to me. And also, apparently I was heartless in 2015 because not only did I nearly cry - I did cry. TWICE! The action and the emotion in this book - not to mention the plot and continued world development- are top notch.
Another moment in my first review that I have to take issue with. I said "Poor Tate :("! WTF was I thinking? Where was that sympathy coming from? I am so incredibly irritated by him and his blatant disrespect for Cat, disguised as his pinning after her.
Ok, some points I agree with myself on though - Vlad. Gah, what a fantastic character. I am so glad we're reading his books as part of the readalong, because I never did read them when I read this series before. I also agree that I love the way Bones and Cat's relationship has developed - it's a really solid relationship despite how (technically) short a time they've known each other. I love that he's teaching her what it is to be loved. And - who'da thunk it? - Cat's mom Justina is once again growing on me. I really like the explanation we get for why she may have been the way she was - it actually makes it possible to forgive her for the wrongs she's done Cat.
And I'm super excited to read the next book again, because I remember nothing again. LOL! So thankful I've joined in on this readalong!
Original Review, 2015
When I picked up At Grave's End, it took me no time to reconnect with the characters and, even though it's been like a year or more since I read the last one, I quickly remembered what had happened. So high five to Jeaniene Frost, sometimes I either feel like I spend forever in a recap or lost, but neither happened with this one.
I will say, though, that towards the beginning. maybe the first 25% of At Grave's End... I did lots of eye-rolling. I'm not sure exactly why but some of the dialogue and some of the interactions just felt forced gimmicky. *shrugs* it didn't last that long - either I got used to it or it got better... or more likely, it was eclipsed by the awesome story, mystery and action.
Maybe the first bit tried too much to be like a PNR and At Grave's End is so a UF and it just should have embraced that from the get go? Because At Grave's End excels as a UF. I read the last 75% in two sittings because it was so exciting. So much was happening - I love the vampire politics and rituals. I love the magic. I love the characters - even Cat's mom has grown on me! Shocker! And I really really love Cat and Bones - their relationship has grown so much in this one and I just love where they are as a couple. Poor Tate :( And there's some new characters introduced - Vlad anyone? - that I really hope will be around a lot in this series from here on out.
And Jeaniene Frost threw in quite a few twists! I nearly cried at one point - and if the series weren't over and I didn't know a bit more about it than I would have had I been reading it as the books came out, I just might have cried. But the emotion was pretty overwhelming.
So yeah, I'm re-hooked and looking forward to continuing with this series!

Probably my favorite part of At Grave's End was the continued world building. I love learning more about vampire politics, social structure, and their powers. The plot requires us to learn a lot more, and I enjoyed every bit of it. We get to witness some important vampire events, someone being changed, and the extent of vampire abilities. It's very interesting stuff. New characters are also introduced along the way, most notably, Vlad. I don't have a firm opinion on him yet, but I did enjoy what I've seen of him so far.
The one thing I didn't really like in At Grave's End, which brought my rating down a bit, was the whole "OMG so-and-so is dead but we don't have the body or a witness." Seriously, deaths that happen off the page never really happen. In a genre where death isn't final to begin with, there is no way I'm going to fall for a death that takes place off of the page. There's just no way. Have them be held hostage and in mortal danger! That would have me at the edge of my seat. "Killing" a character and not showing it just has me rolling my eyes. Nice try, but didn't happen! Sorry if that seems like a spoiler, but that whole situation gets resolved in no time anyway.
However, everything after the fake death is awesome! It's essentially nonstop action (plus a sex scene or two!), but a lot of it is much different than previous action scenes. The final battle of At Grave's End is super tense! I honestly didn't know if everyone would come out of that one alive, or still undead. Cat, Bones, and their allies are up against something that none of them have faced before. A something that cannot be killed and is controlled by magic. I really enjoyed that part.
While I didn't love At Grave's End as much as the previous two, it's still a worthy addition to the series. I absolutely cannot get enough of Cat and Bones, even when they're both being stubborn as heck! Will those two ever get a break? Will other vampires ever realize that Cat and Bones always triumph, so they should all give up on trying to kill them? I guess I'll just have to keep reading and find out!
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

Cat’s character growth in this novel was awesome. She has always been kick-ass, but she matures in this novel. She has this unbelievable strength and it is definitely put to the test. There are a lot of changes with Tate and while I do not think I will ever love the guy I have come to appreciate him a little more. Annette is back, the vamp I love to hate. Crap..Frost completely made me flip for her. Mencheres teams up with them and we learn more about him. Then there is Vlad, a super hunky vampire lord with a snarky attitude. I am looking forward to seeing more of him. Bones is divine, scrumptious, awesome, stubborn and oh so romantic. Sometimes I forget what a ruthless killer he can be. The interaction between him and Justina was hilarious and had me giggling. I couldn’t wait to read what they would say next. Justina was a complete surprise in this novel and I adore this feisty little woman.
With At Grave’s End, Frost gives us one heck of a ride. My emotions were all over the place, as they faced one dilemma after another. There are several villains in this novel, some old and some new. The worst by far is Pantra. She is master vampire on a mission I would not want to mess her. As always Frost surprises us with a few twists, some new vampire abilities and wickedly good, heart-stopping scenes. My favorite scene happens towards the end of the novel and had my heart racing. Those who love all the steamy interaction between Bones and Cats might be a little disappointed. Frost focuses more on their emotional ties. Those ties are what made this novel one of my favorites. Bones and Cat "the a couple" has become very real.

Original review: 8/30/2009: At Grave's End was a great read and The Night Huntress is a truly excellent series. I absolutely love the relationship between Cat and Bones and Bones has quickly become one of my favorite male leads. He's funny, extremely loyal, and violent when it comes to protecting those he loves, especially Cat. I experienced a range of emotions when I was reading this. I wonder what the author is going to do with Tate. He's also a character I really like and I hope he finds happiness. This book is my favorite so far from the series. 4.5 stars