Written on Sep 17, 2013
Originally posted on Once Upon a Bookcase.
After reading Will Grayson, Will Grayson - which John Green co-wrote with David Levithan - I knew I wanted to read more by Green. On hearing all the hype surrounding The Fault in Our Stars, I knew this was the book to start with. And it was such a good book!
The Fault in Our Stars is a Really awesome novel. It made me cry, and I enjoyed it so much. Augustus was such a beautiful guy, just the sweetest and he made my heart ache in all the right ways. He is exactly what Hazel needed, and brought her so much joy! He loved her, and did so much for her, and it was just so beautiful seeing the two of them together. I would quite like an August of my own.
There was a twist! And oh my god, what a twist! I did not expect it at all, and it left me reeling!And once the twist hit me, I knew, I just knew. The anticipation of pain the twist left me with was actually more painful than the upcoming event. I was completely bawling at the twist, but not what came later.
Which shows how crappy hype can be. Because of the hype, I expected to be completely heartbroken. But it didn't break my heart as much as I expected it to. I finished the book feeling a little disappointed, despite the fact it was such a beautiful and sweet novel. Once the big event happened, I couldn't help thinking, "Is that it?" There was the hype, and after the twist, I just expected so much more than I got. It fell kind of flat for me.
However, The Fault in Our Stars is beautifully written. As I said, it's the first solo Green novel I've read, and definitely looking forward to reading the rest of his books in the future. Really recommend it. Just ignore all the hype!
Thank you to Penguin for the review copy.