Written on Dec 28, 2012
*Thanks to HarperCollins for providing a copy for review.*
You already know my thoughts from the story and the HarperCollins 60th Anniversary edition of Charlotte's Web, but this year there is something new from Puffin. A new Puffin Book edition with a more pastel cover image (still Garth Williams illustration) and end-notes at the end of the book make a very special worth while purchase! Especially in my opinion for students. There are trivia and quizzes and all sorts of information that would be perfect for spurring a book review. I got a glimpse at this from a partial digital galley, but I'd love to see it in person and I'm sure the other 20+ titles they rerelease in a Puffin Book edition for classics will be just as wonderful. What a great idea! Definitely something I'd consider for my students in the next few years...
I received this product free for the purpose of reviewing it. I received no other compensation for this review. The opinions expressed in this review are my personal, honest opinions. Your experience may vary. Please read my full disclosure policy for more details.