¿Qué Tiempo Hace? (What's the Weather Like?) (Que Tiempo Hace? (What's The Weather Like?))
Depicts the activities on a small family farm during the four seasons of the year.
Mysteries in Our National Parks: Buried Alive (Mysteries in Our National Park)
by Gloria Skurzynski and Alane Ferguson
Who was that man in the Park Service uniform who brought Jack and Ashley Landon into the wilds of Alaska's Denali National Park along with their friend Nicky Milano? Whoever he was, he has given them a dogsled ride to certain death unless somebody finds them soon. Their troubles are about to get a whole heap deeper as the first rumblings of an avalanche turn into a deafening roar! "From the Paperback edition."
Would an elephant learn the ABCs if she went to school? No way! She would learn to use her trunk as a nose, a straw, a hand, and a hose! Through a series of questions and answers, readers learn about animals and their unique behaviors. And in the end, you might find yourself asking just what would you learn.
Spongebob to the Rescue! (Spongebob Squarepants (8x8), #24)
by Alison Inches
Coyote at Pinon Place (Smithsonian's Backyard ) (Smithsonian's Backyard (Hardcover))
by Deborah Dennard
In his search for food, a young coyote moves into an area between the forest and a house, where he interacts with birds, a rattlesnake, and a woodrat before returning to the forest and settling down for the night. Includes a fact page about coyotes.
Higher and Higher - E rierake ma n rierake (Te Kiribati)
by Rimeta Sambo