Written on Nov 12, 2015
This is the last part of the Immortal Beloved series, book 3. I’ve read the first two books as soon as they came out, but never got to the third part.. (STUPID) So when I finally got to it, I could barely remember anything !! So I made it my mission to start all over so I could give it a proper farewell.
WHY this book.
Easy, because I LOVE everything Cate Tiernan. I started her Sweep series (in Dutch) when I was a teenager, running to the bookstore every time a new volume came out, loving it so much !! So of course, I had to read this series as well.
COVER impressions.
Kind of annoyed.. I got the first two books with different covers (the black ones with the flowers), but for the third part I could not find the same cover !! Kind of embarrassed to admit, but it was one of the biggest reasons it took me so long to buy this one. I REALLY dislike it when they don’t match… But I had to give in at the end, because it was not worth it to miss this part because of OCD.
Do like this cover though, but still wish I had a matching pair.
FIRST thoughts.
Really awesome book.. Love the complete series. Love her, love the writing, love the characters.. Sucks that everything is done and finished, would not have minded more !!
The story progressed at a good pace, not to fast, not to slow. I really liked how she showed the progress Lilja made, getting her project and really making something of it !!
Some nice plot twists that I not saw coming. Like the traitor… I was ready to suspect almost everyone ! But I did not even think of this one until he accompanied her to get some supplies XD And kind of surprised at the real culprit of all the evil doing.. It was to be expected to be someone in her family, but until the actual reveal I had no idea who it was going to be. She kept me guessing !!
And it all made sense so to say. Kept it in the line she has been weaving since the first part. Not killing everyone at random, but showing sympathy and forgiveness, which was exactly in line with the rest of the story. I love how it all comes together like that. And well, she tied everything up nicely, giving people the happy ending they deserved. Big sucker for that haha.
Like the other books there was some romance, obvious between our main character and Reyn (OMG Reyn..) but some side stories as well (the ending with River x Asher, Brynn x Joshua) BUT she did not put this all in the centre, it kept out of the way to make sure the story progressed and the plot was in the centre of the attention. It should be balanced, especially when making a fantasy.. and she did that perfectly.
I could wack Lilja over the head so many times when she was with Reyn, being cold/hot all the time. Like, you have a perfect beautiful male specimen in front of you that has only eyes for you.. WTF are you doing !?!?! Especially when he first told her he loved her, so beautiful.. and then *BAM* she goes stupid and runs away from him. AGAIN. Got to admire Reyn for not giving up on what he wants!
Like the first two books it’s mainly set in and around Rivers Edge. Some trips to the nearby town of West Lowing. It all makes sense, she makes the farm alive, with its surroundings and animals. It made me feel like I was there with them, walking to the barn or milking the cows. That put together with the little dying town was just very visual.
Not to forget about the magick, I really liked how she made up the spells, the meditations and circles. Totally awesome witchcraft combined with immortals, giving it an unique spin that I have (luckily) not seen elsewhere. And we all crave for something unique when reading a book, something that has not been done a hundred, thousand times already. And she did that, once again!
Ohoh !!! And the flashbacks !!! I loved all the stories, in different times and spaces..
Nastasya/Lilja. Our main character, very realistic and easy to relate to. Most of the times I hate it when a character thinks too much, but with her it was just natural. She has lived for so long and that makes your life less.. just less I suppose for her, done so little real things that matter with so much time. But she is really trying to be better and it shows. She is not just words, but action as well. I really liked the project with the town, making it alive again. And well, most of all I loved her sarcasm and sense of humour. 3
Reyn. He was just awesome and hot and sexy. A perfect lover in this story, with his own baggage and issues.. how they could relate to one other and understand what the other one has been to. Just wow. And hihi so strong, such a good fighter, *swoooon*…
River. Hippie. No just kidding, she has bene to so much, has lived so long and wakes up every day making it a better day for everyone. I really liked her humour, how she was with her brothers and showed more of her family. How she keeps faith in Lilja, when nobody else does.
Daisuke. He was of so little interest at the first books, I really liked that we got to know more of him in this last instalment. That he was a kickass samurai, done so many bad things, but made a complete change in the other direction. Glad he survived !!
The Four Brothers (Ott, Joshua, Daniel and Roberto). I really liked them coming to River’s Edge. It was so cool to see them all and got to know them a little. Though I would have liked to know more about Roberto and what EXACTLY happened between him and Lilja !! Ott was totally cool as well, loved how he reacted to her when she tried to annoy him or make him feel awkward.. really bumped at the end And Joshua was well kind of like Reyn and that made him more interesting right from the start. And Daniel.. well.. He was just the middle guy, not really of import.. Which made all the more sense at the ending. Though I do wander what happened to him ??
FAVORITE character.
So who did I really like?? Kind of hard, there were so many cool characters, some made a bigger impression then they did in the first two (Daisuke) But.. I think overall, I will chose Dray. I would love to know more about her.. her background, what she has been through. She was not just a screw-up, but a big part in Lilja’s development and accepting that they were kind of the same.
I think I will go for Solis, I was really disappointed in him (kind of suspected him as a bad guy). He is one of the teachers, so he should have known better, should have supported her. I really liked how she put him in his place at the ending.. before you know..
No story is completely perfect, everything has it flaws.. I was kindly (just slightly !!!) disappointed at the end that the big battle was over so soon. Yes there was some fighting and killing, but after the big anticipation that was built during the entire series it just felt as too little… It could have been a bigger battle.. with more background mainly for the bad guys. It was just over too soon for me.
FAVORITE QUOTES Immortal Beloved series.
“Being good is something that one must choose over and over again, every day, throughout the day, for the rest of one’s life.”
“Yes. Reyn is our resident horse master. He has an excellent seat."
I grinned. "I've noticed."
Reyn's face tightened and Nell flushed, looking embarrassed. "It's an equestrian term."
"Really? I thought you were talking about his ass.”
“Oh my God, can you see me? I thought I was wearing my invisibility cloak.”
“I can't help who I am," I pointed out. "i mean, do you think I should just hide?" I tapped one finger against my chin. "Gee, if only there was some place, some safe place, like in the middle of freaking nowhere, where I could surround myself with strong immortals and maybe learn how to protect myself and...oh, wait!" I looked at Solis, my eyes wide with excitement. "Oh my God--that sounds like here! It sounds like I'm already actually doing exactly what you thing I should be doing! Awesome!”
If you haven’t read this series you should. YOU REALLY SHOULD. Like right now, and no excuses ! When you don’t have it yet just go to the bookstore or online and BUY THIS SERIES. I am proud to have this in my bookcase and show it off. Awesome, unique series with cool characters with a lot of action, romance and funny comments. FIVE Freyja’s !!!