In many ways Thomas More was way ahead of his time. I was interested to read his commentary early on in the book in regards to some of the laws in his day, especially those concerning stealing and murder. His thoughts on these were very enlightening.
This book is not a particularly long read, but it seemed so when I was reading it. I realize that this is more an indication of the time in which it was written than anything else, but in the end I was glad to get through it.
More's Utopia is not a place that I would like to live. Although it may seem ideal to have such a utopian existence, I found that there seemed to be little room for creativity or any kind of individual thought. I think after a while that it would be a very boring place to live, but in the context of its day, then perhaps it would have been a vast improvement on life for many people of that time.
Utopia isn't a bad book and I'm glad I took the opportunity to read it, but I don't think it is one I will be returning to any time soon.