Preachers, florilegia and sermons (Studies and Texts of the Pontifical Institute, #47)
Rose Cross Over the Baltic (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, #87)
by Akerman
Glosae Super Platonem (Studies and Texts)
by Paul Edward Dutton and St. Bernard
Die Metaphysische Synthese Des Johannes Von Damaskus (Studien Und Texte Zur Geistesgeschichte Des Mittelalters, #118)
by Smilen Markov
Smilen Markov's monograph on the metaphysical synthesis of John Damascene depicts a paradox ontological structure: the single man, whose ontological position is conditioned by non-being, participates in the life of the Origin of being. The term 'historical interconnections' denotes the basic elements of Damascene's reception strategy through which he approaches the Holy Scripture and the tradition of the fathers. The structural transformation to which different epochs and cultural circles put Da...
A number of Jewish philosophers active in Spain and Italy in the second half of the 15th century (Abraham Bibago, Baruch Ibn Ya'ish, Abraham Shalom, Eli Habillo, Judah Messer Leon) wrote Hebrew commentaries and questions on Aristotle. In these works, they reproduced the techniques and terminology of Late-Medieval Latin Scholasticism, and quoted and discussed Latin texts (by Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, William of Ockham, John Duns Scotus, and other authors) about logic, physics, metaphysics...
Selbstrefelexion und Erkenntnis Gottes (Paradeigmata, #19)
by Johannes Brachtendorf
The Third Force in Seventeenth-Century Thought (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, #22)
by Professor of Philosophy Richard H Popkin
A confluence of scholarly interest has resulted in a revival of Thomistic scholarship across the world. Several areas in the investigation of St. Thomas Aquinas, however, remain under-explored. This volume contributes to two of these neglected areas. First, the volume evaluates the contemporary relevance of St. Thomas's views for the philosophy and practice of education. The second area explored involves the intersections of the Angelic Doctor's thought and the numerous cultures and intellectual...
Thomas Aquinas and His Legacy (Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy)
The ten essays in this collection approach the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas not merely as an object of scholarly interest but also as a framework for addressing perennial philosophical questions, even as they are raised and debated in our own times. The first five articles are expositions of important philosophical themes as developed in Aquinas's own works. In the last five, the authors bring Aquinas's thought to bear on contemporary philosophical discussions of metaphysical, ethical, and socia...
Augustine's Critique of Skepticism (Studies in the Humanities Literature - Politics - Society, #14)
by Augustine J Curley
Disguised and Overt Spinozism Around 1700 (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, #69)
The Roman philosopher Boethius (c. 480-524) is best known for the Consolation of Philosophy, one of the most frequently cited texts in medieval literature. In the Consolation, an unnamed Boethius sits in prison awaiting execution when his muse Philosophy appears to him. Her offer to teach him who he truly is and to lead him to his heavenly home becomes a debate about how to come to terms with evil, freedom, and providence. The conventional reading of the Consolation is that it is a defense of pa...
The Middle Ages span a period of well over a millennium: from the emperor Constantine's Christian conversion in 312 to the early sixteenth century. During this time there was remarkable continuity of thought, but there were also many changes made in different philosophies: various breaks, revivals, and rediscoveries. David Luscombe's history of Medieval Thought steers a clear path through this long period, beginning with the three greatest influences on medieval philosophy: Augustine, Boethius,...