This book sets out to answer the question of why Eastern Church writers showed no interest in analytical reasoning - the so-called "intellectual silence" of Rus' culture - while Western Church writers, by the time of the Scholastics, routinely incorporated analytical reasoning into their defences of the faith. Donald Ostrowski suggests that Western, post-Enlightenment- trained, analytical scholars miss the point, not because of an inability to comprehend cultural ideas which seem abstract and in...
by Lambert M Surhone, Miriam T Timpledon, and Susan F Marseken
A history of Western Philosophy that concentrates on major figures in each historical period, combining exposition with direct quotations from the philosophers themselves. The text places philosophers in appropriate cultural context and shows how their theories reflect the concerns of their times.
Betrothal in Medieval Canon Law from Decretum to Liber Sextus
by Oksana Bandrovska
Augustine and the Art of Ruling in the Carolingian Imperial Period
by Sophia Moesch
The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 licence. DOI Published with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation. This volume is an investigation of how Augustine was received in the Carolingian period, and the elements of his thought which had an impact on Carolingian ideas of ‘state...
Theorien Der Intentionalitat Im Mittelalter (Klostermann Rotereihe, #3)
by Professor of Philosophy Dominik Perler
Peter of Spain, Questiones super libro 'De Animalibus' Aristotelis (Medicine in the Medieval Mediterranean, #5)
This book presents an edition of the Questiones super libro `De Animalibus' Aristotelis, a work by one of the greatest philosophers and physicians of the 13th century, Peter of Spain (later Pope John XXI, 1205-1277). He took as the basis for his work the translation from the Arabic made in Toledo around 1220 by Michael Scotus which included three important Aristotelian treatises. Preceding the critical edition, Dr Navarro offers an introduction to the person and works of Peter of Spain, the inte...
This volume is a reference work, organized chronologically in its sections, with a separate entry for each translator's work. The sections are defined by the type of translations they comprise. The plan of the book is encyclopedic in nature: some biographical material is provided for each translator; the translations are described briefly, as are their linguistic peculiarities, their implied audiences, their links with other translations, and their general reception. Sample passages from the tra...
Die Anthropologie Bernhards von Clairvaux (Quellen Und Studien Zur Geschichte der Philosophie, #7)
by Wilhelm Hiss
Henrici de Gandavo Quodlibet XV (Ancient and Medieval Philosophy-Series 2)
Medieval Philosophy and the Classical Tradition: In Islam, Judaism and Christianity
Late Medieval Liturgical Offices - Sources & Chants (Subsidia Mediaevalia,)
by Andrew Hughes
Index Scolastico-Cartesien (Etudes de Philosophie Medievale, #62) (Burt Franklin Bibliography and Reference Series; No.57, #57)
by Etienne Gilson
La Pensee Franciscaine. Un Seuil de la Modernite (L'Ane D'Or, #44)
by Bernard Forthomme
The Summa Contra Gentiles is not merely the only complete summary of Christian doctrine that St. Thomas has written, but also a creative and even revolutionary work of Christian apologetics composed at the precise moment when Christian thought needed to be intellectually creative in order to master and assimilate the intelligence and wisdom of the Greeks and the Arabs. In the Summa Aquinas works to save and purify the thought of the Greeks and the Arabs in the higher light of Christian Revelatio...
Reflektion der Meditationen uber die Grundlagen der Philosophie von Rene Descartes
by Julian Behnen