Archaeologists have been increasingly turning their attention to the study of religion, but the field so far has lacked a cross-cultural overview. This text challenges archaeological conventions by refusing to respect the geographic and temporal boundaries with which archaeologists too often define their field. Worldwide in range and comparative in perspective, this exploration is guided by several fundamental questions: how do we recognize religion in the archaeological record? When should we r...
Race, Gender, and Religion in the Vietnamese Diaspora (Christianities of the World)
by Thien-Huong T. Ninh
This book examines how the racialization of religion facilitates the diasporic formation of ethnic Vietnamese in the U.S. and Cambodia, two communities that have been separated from one another for nearly 30 years. It compares devotion to female religious figures in two minority religions, the Virgin Mary among the Catholics and the Mother Goddess among the Caodaists. Visual culture and institutional structures are examined within both communities. Thien-Huong Ninh invites a critical re-thinki...
Essential Sri Anandamayi Ma, The: Life and Teaching of a 20th Century Indian Saint
by Anandamayi Ma
Japanese Mythology (Library of the World's Myths & Legends)
by Juliet Piggott
Discusses the mythology of Japan, its origins in Shintoism and Buddhism, and the gods, spirits, men, and animals that appear in the many legends and stories.
The conflict in the Middle East raises many questions for Americans, Christians, and the world community. Randall Price, a bestselling author and expert in Middle Eastern studies, provides concise answers to those questions. In a practical Q-and-A format with maps, charts, and sidebars, this book unveils a fascinating timeline of the conflict development as it answers:Why is America involved?What are the common misconceptions about the conflict?How does the truth differ from the headlines?Is the...
Dialectic of Separation (Perspectives in Jewish Intellectual Life)
by Chiara Adorisio
Salomon Munk (1803-1867) belonged to a group of German-Jewish scholars who pioneered the systematic study of Arabic, Judeo-Arabic and Islamic philosophy in Western Europe in the nineteenth century, as part of a movement that came to be known as the Science of Judaism. The Science of Judaism applied the tools of modern science (in particular philology) to the study of Judaism, seeking to shed light on its manifold aspects and historical contexts-an undertaking which eventually led to the birth of...
With emphasis on its spiritual and religious dimensions, Apprenticed to Hope: A Sourcebook for Difficult Times, is a compelling compilation of thirty-two essays exploring the nature of hope. Julie Neraas draws from a wide range of sources, offering many different ways to think about hope. She considers hope's relationship with faith, the human imagination, and community; distinguishes authentic hope from optimism and false hope, and draws upon her own experience with chronic illness, as well as...
Der Einbruch von Boesem und UEbeln in das Leben provoziert Menschen seit alters, sich an Goettliches, Goetter oder Gott zu wenden, um sich im Leben neu zu orientieren. Wie vielschichtig das geschieht, untersucht Ingolf U. Dalferth in drei Gedankengangen, die sich mit den zentralen Strangen im christlichen Verstandnis des malum als Mangel an Gutem, als UEbeltat und als Unglaube auseinandersetzen. Dabei kommen das Theodizeeprojekt, das Freiheitsprojekt und das Gottesprojekt ausfuhrlich zur Sprache...
In den hier gesammelten Versuchen und Vorarbeiten skizziert Hubert Cancik die Struktur der roemischen Religion und erzahlt ihre Geschichten. Er beobachtet die kultische Praxis und erklart ihre Selbstreflexion, die eigene und die Kritik der anderen, der Griechen, Juden, Christianer. Das raumliche Zentrum dieser Religion und dieser Essays ist die Stadt Rom und die stadtroemische Religionsgeschichte: Denn diese Stadt ist das ' "Haupt", der "Tempel", der "Verschnitt" der Oekumene. Die Religionsgesch...
" ... Hubners Buch ist ein epochales philosophisches Ereignis, durch das dem Glauben der Charakter des sacrificium intellectus genommen und wieder jene Legitimitat verliehen werden soll, die ihm durch die wissenschaftliche Vernunft Zug um Zug entzogen worden ist. ..."Dieter Borchmeyer in Die Zeit Nr. 46 vom 8.11.2001"Ein erstaunliches, selbstbewusstes und noetiges Buch, ein Buch, das wohl so nur noch ein Nichttheologe schreiben kann, freilich einer, der sehr umfassend in der Theologie bewandert...
Das Ritual Der Astu (Cth 490) (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East)
by Susanne Gorke
Religious Fundamentalism in Developing Countries (Contributions to the Study of Religion)
by Santosh C Saha and Thomas K Carr
Theo-Monistic Mysticism (Library of Philosophy and Religion)
by Michael Stoeber
In response to some of the current explanations of mystic phenomena, this book proposes an interpretive framework for understanding mysticism. It clarifies various kinds of mystical experiences, suggesting they are not wholly determined by subjective categories of interpretation, and illustrates how they can be synthesized in a theistic, mystic teleology. In reference to Ramanuja, Aurobinodo, Sankara, Eckhart, Ruusbroec and Boehme, monistic experiences are understood to culminate in higher theis...
Many religious people are alarmed about features of the current age - violence in the media, a pervasive hedonism, a marginalization of religion, and widespread abortion. These concerns influence politics, but just as there should be a separation between church and state, so should there be a balance between religious commitments and secular arguments calling for social reforms. Robert Audi offers a principle of secular rationale, which does not exclude religious grounds for action but which rul...