The distribution of incomes in South Africa in 2004, ten years after the transition to democracy, was probably more unequal than it had been under apartheid. In this book, Jeremy Seekings and Nicoli Nattrass explain why this is so, offering a detailed and comprehensive analysis of inequality in South Africa from the midtwentieth century to the early twenty-first century. They show that the basis of inequality shifted in the last decades of the twentieth century from race to class. Formal deracia...
Natural Resources and Rural Development in Arid Lands
Wealth and Poverty in America
What does it mean to be poor in America at the dawn of the 21st century? For that matter, what does it mean to be rich? And how are the two related to each other? These apparently simple questions present enormous theoretical and empirical challenges to any student or social scientist. Wealth and Poverty in America is a collection of over 20 important essays on the complex relationship between the rich and poor in the United States. The authors include classical and contemporary thinkers on a wi...
It's time to radically alter the way we perceive the world. It's time to get real. Multinational oil corporations trumpet their green credentials. Shadowy billionaires orchestrate 'grassroots' political movements. Public-spending cuts target the poor, but supposedly 'give power to the people'. To Eliane Glaser, these are all signs of the maddeningly surreal gap between appearance and reality in modern life. We are living in a looking-glass world in which reality is spun and c...
Die vorliegende Festschrift würdigt die wissenschaftliche Karriere von Hans-Jürgen Andreß, während der er die Methodenentwicklung im Bereich längsschnittlicher Analysemethoden geprägt und einflussreiche empirische Studien zu Armut, Ungleichheit und den Folgen kritischer Lebensereignisse vorgelegt hat. Der Band vereint nun diese Aspekte und versammelt empirische Studien, welche auf Basis längsschnittlicher analytischer Designs verschiedene Formen sozialer Ungleichheit in Deutschland untersuchen...
Essais sur les relations du travail avec le capital
by Charles Brook DuPont-White
Mobile Methodologies
In Sociology, Geography, Urban Studies and elsewhere there is heightened awareness of the importance of better understandings of a world characterized as being on the move. Recent academic attention to mobilities suggests interesting methodological questions: how do we research and represent mobile experiences: of being in place momentarily, of passing through, of being 'in-between'? Can conventional social scientific research methods that slow down and freeze experiences adequately capture mobi...
Transformative Planning - Radical Alternatives to Neoliberal Urbanism
by Tom Angotti
On Monday 29 August, Hurricane Katrina tore into the Gulf coast, utterly destroying the city of New Orleans, leaving an unknown number of dead and hundreds of thousands of people homeless in its wake. In the days that followed, the world watched aghast as the poor and dispossessed of the city were left to fester amid the ruins, without food or water, prey to disease, starvation and lawlessness, issuing increasingly desperate pleas for help. It was as if a destitute corner of the Third World had...
Dinomania ★★★★★ ‘Wildly inventive theatre company Kandinsky return with a head-spinningly smart show about Victorian fossil hunters…No-one else makes theatre quite like this.’ Time Out Dinomania was originally commissioned by New Diorama Theatre, running from 19 February to 23 March 2019. 165 million years ago, an iguanodon is killed in the heart of a rainforest. Time passes, the rainforest becomes the South Downs, and every part of the iguanodon degrades and disappears – except one tooth....
Social Change and the Middle Classes
Develops the debate on the professional and managerial service class, and their importance as a determining force in social structure and social change. This book is intended for core undergraduate text for compulsory 2nd and 3rd year sociology courses in stratification. Supplementary text for sociology options such as political, urban and culture, and for courses in social geography, cultural studies, and contemporary Britain.
FOREWORD INDIES FINALIST — POLITICAL & SOCIAL SCIENCES NAUTILUS BOOK AWARDS SILVER MEDALIST — SOCIAL CHANGE & SOCIAL JUSTICE ERIC HOFFER BOOK AWARD 1ST RUNNER UP — CULTURE & MONTAIGNE MEDAL NOMINEE "A valuable resource in the fight against poverty." —Publishers Weekly "An exploration of why so many Americans are struggling financially . . . A down-to-earth overview of the causes and effects of poverty and possible remedies." —Kirkus Reviews Water. Food. Housing. The most basic and cr...
Class American Socty Ils 103 (International Library of Sociology)
First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
A Race and Class (Race & Ethnic Studies, v. 44, Issue 2)
Race & Class is the foremost English language journal on racism and imperialism in the world today. For more than two decades it has established a reputation for the breadth of its analysis, its global outlook and its multidisciplinary approach. Contributors include academics, scientists, artists, novelists, journalists, politicians, and black and Third World activists and scholars.
Resistance, Rebellion and Consciousness in the Peasant Andean World, 18th-20th Centuries
by Steve Stern (Edt)
This collection of essays challenges our understanding of the history of native Andean rebellion during the last three centuries. The contributors—historians and anthropologists from a number of countries—move beyond the traditional structural analysis of society to a finer understanding of people as actors. Native Andean initiatives and consciousness are clearly placed at the center of this inquiry, which merges the best methods of history an anthropology. Stern begins with a vigorously argue...
In accessible prose for North American undergraduate students, this short text provides a sociological understanding of the causes and consequences of growing middle class inequality, with an abundance of supporting, empirical data. The book also addresses what we, as individuals and as a society, can do to put middle class Americans on a sounder footing.
L'Economie Politique Et La Justice, Examen Critique (Sciences Sociales)
by Walras-L
Many Excellent People examines the nature of North Carolina's social system, particularly race and class relations, power, and inequality, during the last half of the nineteenth century. Paul Escott portrays North Carolina's major social groups, focusing on the elite, the ordinary white farmers or workers, and the blacks, and analyzes their attitudes, social structure, and power relationships. Quoting frequently from a remarkable array of letters, journals, diaries, and other primary sources, he...
A groundbreaking work of scholarship that sheds critical new light on the urban renewal of Paris under Napoleon IIIIn the mid-nineteenth century, Napoleon III and his prefect, Georges-Eugene Haussmann, adapted Paris to the requirements of industrial capitalism, endowing the old city with elegant boulevards, an enhanced water supply, modern sewers, and public greenery. Esther da Costa Meyer provides a major reassessment of this ambitious project, which resulted in widespread destruction in the hi...
This open access book draws on award-winning cross-generational research comparing the complex and life-changing processes of settlement among Albanian migrants and their adolescent children in three European cities: London (UK), Thessaloniki (Greece), and Florence (Italy). Building on key concepts from the social sciences and migration studies, such as identity, integration and transnationalism, the author links these with emerging theoretical notions, such as mobility, translocality and cosmop...