In envy Veck, is the son of a mass serial killer, He constantly lives in the shadow of his father, always haunted by the potential of becoming just like him. He knows there is an evil residing within him, but he doesn't realize that it is an actual demon inside him. Heron and his buddies have to try to sway him from going to the side of evil, thus giving Devina another win, and basically closer to hell on earth. Veck at the beginning of the book believes he harmed another serial killer, but he didn't he is then partnered to the IA's office Sophie Reilly, during the book Weck falls for Reilly and her him, but things get shaky when someone betrays him, costing him almost his lover and his sanity.
End results- the good guys won though one of them is lost and another takes more action in the game, an another can't fully pull his head out of his ass to figure out that more is needed to win this war instead of sitting on their tufts sipping tea and playing crochet.
What I love about Wards books, is that she isn't afraid to tip the bar. Using her graphiic wording to make the sexual scene more drool worthy, whether it be a man/woman couple, same sex couple, or a multiple partner in one time scene. She doesn't discriminate on her characters, and her characters aren't discriminative unless they are meant to be that way.
The action in this one was a sub-par compared to other books, I like her books not only because of the uber super hot guys, and that omg that got my panties wet sex scenes. But I enjoy the action as well. But all in all Ward had succeeded in making me hot and bothered and made me crave for more also making me root for the good guys even more.
Sorry this review is so long.