Written on Feb 8, 2017
I am embarrassed to even to admit it, but I had not even heard of Gary V until couple years ago. Apparently, I am the last person alive that had heard of him cause when I first tried to check out his books from the library, they had a long ass waiting list on all of them. So I settled for watching his videos and stuff and was always pleasantly amused.
Then finally my turn came up for this book, and I could finally see for myself what everyone was buzzing about.
I genuinely entertained with this book. I mean there wasn't really anything groundbreaking in the book. He is all like hustle hustle hustle which I am like DUH dude but the way he says stuff is entertaining. I am gonna get his other books just for the entertainment value alone.
It was interesting to see how he answered the questions that were asked on the podcasts and videos the second time around.
If you are looking for an intellectual take one business, then this is not it. By his admission, he has read fewer than ten books he whole life nad did not do well in school growing up. He is full of grit and determination, and that in itself is inspiring on many levels.
Just when you read this book take what he says with a grain of salt. I mean hustling is important but so is other things like talent. I could hustle all I want, but if I can't write then all the hustle in the world is not gonna matter if I want to be a writer. It is the same with a basketball player I can hustle my heart out but if I don't have any talent then well...
THAT SAID...I think there is still nuggets of wisdom in this book. They are buried, but they are there. Once I got over reading this book as an informative book and instead switched my brain to an entertainment focus I enjoyed this book more.
Don't go in for deep universal truths to be revealed but rather for entertainment value and you will be surprised by what you will glean from this book.
This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land