Multi Pack: Foundation Marketing with Marketing in Practice DVD Case Studies Volume 1
by Liz Hill and Charles A. Beard
The conflict between Russia and America shaped the world for over four decades. It began in Europe but expanded to cover all continents. Both were universalist powers - they wanted every country in the world to copy their model of government and economy. They could not rest until the other side had been vanquished, and until the mid-1980's this included the prospect of nuclear war. In a new edition of one of the best-selling books in the Seminar Studies in History Series, Martin McCauley looks a...
Tax Deductions A to Z for Dentists (Tax Deductions A to Z)
by Anne Skalka and Janice Beth Gregg
Life Insurance in Asia (Wiley Finance)
by Stephan Binder and Joseph Luc Ngai
The Asian life insurance industry is truly entering an inflection point. Coming off massive growth from the past several years, the industry has suffered greatly, along with the rest of the financial industry, in the 2008 financial crisis. Most life insurers across Asia have lost tremendous value in the wake of the crisis; a few are in significant distress. It is important not to lose sight of the longer-term outlook though: fueled by macroeconomic factors such as the emergence of the middle cla...
Konsumverantwortung zwischen Konsumsozialisation und politischer Bildung
by Natascha Diekmann
Erhöhung der Preisbereitschaft mithilfe von Gütesiegeln
by Christopher Beckmann
The Consumer Mind explores the relationship between consumers and brands, analysing the types of communication and their perception of brands. Based on research from Millward Brown, one of the world's leading research agencies, it provides expert advice for marketing practitioners on how brands, products, services and communications reach the mind of the consumer. With insights based on the latest advances in neuroscience and psychology, it analyses the daily mental functions of consumers, in re...
Methoden zur Preisfindung von Neuprodukten
by Sabrina Constanze Reichert
Nicht jeder Kunde ist gleich 'wert' - Das Konzept des Customer Lifetime Value
by Christopher Niess
Kreativwirtschaft. Was müssen Städte bieten, um für die kreative Klasse attraktiv zu sein?
by Anonym
Wie manipuliere ich Befragungen richtig? Einfluss der Fragebogengestaltung auf die Befragungsergebnisse
by Lars Obernberger
Potential des Gender-Marketings in der Produktdifferenzierung
by Nici Frei and Sandra Frei
Auto Repair Business Free Online Advertising Video Marketing Strategy Book
by Brian Mahoney